School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

Also people who don’t like Kotonoha, because she has an absolutely awful personality and is unstable to boot?

Wasn’t there an edition that came with her saw? (Kotonoha’s that is) The unstable remark jogged my memory of that. Probably not the easiest thing to send via post though. =/

Aren’t there also ACTUAL oppai pads for School Days? (in contrast with the oshiri/omanko pad… lol) I would prefer an oppai pad to that, erm, questionable Kotonoha pad.

As long as there is a way to buy the game in a package form without extras like panties or those mousepads. (And as long as the scientists aren’t using dinosaur DNA from mosquitoes to clone velociraptors. That would be bad too.)

I’m perfectly fine with having them available for people who would want that, but I have no interest in those sort of extras.

Yeah, there’s this one which I think was mentioned (but not linked) earlier on. One where the heroine in question doesn’t look dejected? Probably not.

That’s better. Too bad both have a depressed Kotonoha though.

My vote is for this one instead of the “ass pad”. While I am the kind of person who for the most part has no problem openly displaying game cases/boxes from eroge, the “ass pad” is just a little too much.

Not sure how hard or if it’s even possible but is there any chance that this game will be Mac OS X compatible? I know none of the other Jast games are but it would be cool for this one to be.

Another quick note to interject that anything we pick as an extra will be either in the “tasteful” or “funny” category and not something we think would be a turn-off to customers in any significant way. In other words, something that someone who would buy the game itself would generally find acceptable to also buy, or at least set aside as humorous but superfluous (the panties falling more in this category). Ideally it’ll be something that can be seen as a value added for a typical fan of the game. Artbooks, CDs, and figures all fit the bill more closely; possibly a t-shirt or pillowcase that’s not too explicit. We’ll be floating around plenty of ideas; it’ still very early days.

I doubt this will be within the scope of what we’re able to do, unfortunately. My recommendation would be to use Boot Camp or an emulator like Parallels or VMware and install an inexpensive copy of Windows on a partition of your Mac drive. A bit of an investment, but good for any other Windows game you’d like to play too.

Wow, Shingo beat me to the punch while I was typing. If you’d like to read my original post with a possible explanation of why he thinks this is beyond what can be done, read on.

Unless 0verflow wants to make a new game engine, it isn’t going to happen. Beside the fact that JAST USA is just acting as a publisher (from what Shingo said), and therefore probably doesn’t have the staff to handle such a task, 0verflow most likely hasn’t given JAST USA the rights to do such a thing in the licensing agreement. To further complicate matters, I’m not sure that even 0verflow has the staff to make an engine that runs on OS X. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that Macs have much market share in Japan, and as such, there are probably few people that know how to program for OS X.

More on running on OS X… For maximum compatibility I’d advise against running the game inside Parallels or Fusion. The game utilizes DirectX and virtual machine emulation does not support the entire API. An updated boot camp is the better choice here. Running games inside a VM is a YMMV situation.

The engine, from what I understand of it, is built with .NET 3.5 and DirectX 9, which are both Microsoft technologies. It also requires Windows Media 9 libraries because of the animated content. Porting to OS X using Xcode and OpenGL would be very time consuming.

From an implementation standpoint VN engines are usually pretty straightforward but School Days provides interesting challenges through the heavy use of VC-1 video. Playing VC-1 in a platform-agnostic way pretty much relies on libavcodec which may pose some performance issues, especially with something like School Days that often has a few different VC-1 videos playing at once as well as doing other things at the same time. I certainly wouldn’t be up to porting it personally without either reencoding all the video to something easier to decode quickly (like Theora) and hence ballooning the file size (which in the case of School Days HQ could be 20gb or more!) or tripling the system requirements by using libavcodec.

For this sort of thing reimplementing is probably going to be easier than porting. I mean, it’s a VN engine, it doesn’t do an awful lot =P Certainly better than trying to get whatever sort of clusterfuck of C++, MFC and C#/.NET they’ve got working in another environment.

There’s a world of difference between pursuing a romance with someone and just walking up to him on the street and shoving your hand into his underwear. Buying a blow up doll or love pillow of a character is to my viewpoint way less creepy than that mousepad, since at least it makes SENSE that you’re using a sex toy for sex. That mousepad is neither funny nor sexy, just creepy. To me at least.

Aww, that one’s cute. Makes me want to pet and console her. :slight_smile:

oh come on! How can you not want that pad?!

What about a option where you choose the extra for the pre-orders?

OK thanks for the reply Shingo and Kimuzukashii I never realized it was hard to program for the Mac and Windows. Never realized about Japan mostly using PC’s either.

Heh, maybe you can get a shipment of all those Kotonoha-sama t-shirts they had at the MG booth last year. Maybe have a few designs and let the person who’s preordering the game choose which one.

How about a parody of those Twilight “Team Edward/Jacob” shirts except with Kotonoha and Sekai, lol

I don’t see why anyone has a problem with the extras
You are buying a porn game why do you give a fuck?

I’m buying a porn game if I’m buying something like Do you like horny bunnies? or Sagara Family. If I buy School Days, I’m definitely not buying it because it’s a “porn game”.

school days could be considered am interactive hentai anime more than an visual novel