School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

90 euros with shipping included is probably my upper limit.

I’ve been thinking, since the game is going to span 2 DVDs, the retail copy should come on a USB drive like the Macbook Air restore media. It could have SD artwork on it as well… a detachable Kotonoha head!

If you look at the survey results from our website so far, the majority of people are willing to spend anywhere from $20-60 on a game. In my opinion, the maximum limit would be $70. If the game was $70 though, I would expect a 5 inch thick box, with a CD, artbook, mini-figure, and a t-shirt. And a holographic card that turns bloody if I angle it the right way.

I would like it so the disclaimer and warning appear during the logo and title cards during startup. That decision is not mine to make though.

Pretty sure a USB drive is still more expensive than printing 2 DVDs.

Some of the extras you get from pre-ordering eroges are more expensive than printing 2 dvds.

Just wanted to add that I’m looking forward to this game. And this time, they’re actually releasing the best version of the game. Go JAST!

Except those add extra value. The extra value from shipping a USB drive instead of DVDs is small at best.

Just a question. Are you guys going to rewrite the series’ tagline and send that back to 0verflow with a message saying: “Use this, not the engrishy crap you put up”? And is that new tagline going to accompany the EN release?

I say keep it as it is. Leave people wondering if 0verflow is going to unleash a trap ending on them (wouldn’t be the first time)

We could, but I’d prefer to leave it the way it is. I consider that line part of the logo.

I like this idea (Materials Collections are great), but steps would have to be taken to ensure that the drive remains read-only lest someone accidentally delete critical files. Also, this would enable each copy of the game to include a literal key to unlock the game; the sheer size of the drive image and the relative difficulty in recreating unique keys would curb piracy by at least a small margin. I agree, however, that this option might be prohibitively costly from both a publishing and shipping perspective.

Publishing the game on a Blu-Ray might also be an option. The good majority of us don’t have a BD-ROM drive on our PCs (myself included), so this would unfortunately bottleneck both accessibility and sales (still, I figured I’d mention it).

Yes, please! I’d definitely go with a proper localization instead of Engrish that only the most hardcore of weeaboos find endearing (no offense intended, Kanna). Let’s not forget that 0verflow has “corrected” the phrase before, replacing “guys” with “persons”. Someone must have forgotten about the change since the majority of School Days merchandise carries the factually incorrect version of the tagline…

(If you’ll pardon the self-promotion: my translation group made a point of correcting the mangled German in its English release of Rosenkreuzstilette. Our resident German native was very… amused… by the quality of what he came to refer to as “Germish”. And, to use a more popular example, I prefer “the Third Child” to “the Third Children” and having Asuka speak actual German than Babelfished gibberish any day of the week, “purists” be damned.)

What’s the point of releasing the game on a USB flash drive if it’s permanently set to read-only? The whole idea of it as an “extra” is that the game could be transferred to a HDD, and the flash drive could be used for other things.

If it is going to be on USB, then it will have to be a 16GB capacity one. It’ll be 11GB for the game data (or more, gotta finish everything before we know), and then the rest can be used for other things, like transporting your 100% savedata or whatever. While it’s true going this route would be a bit more costly, I think the cost is justified by the fact that people can use it outside of just installing the game.

None taken :slight_smile:

I wonder why looks strange?
When it first was announced it looked like this, and it resized to fit the browser :D.
But, now it looks like this when I first go there and the title of the page is “School Days Fluid”… D:

edit: If you hit refresh sometimes the site looks better/changes, and it looks like this
is it just me?

On my browser it started out looking like your first pic, but now the credits are overlapping the girls in an annoying way.

Website looks fine to me.

I was wondering if it would be possible for stuff like a soundtrack or production materials such as concept art, etc. could be released with the game, a version of the game, or separately. I think those things would be really cool. :slight_smile:

I’m really excited about School Days HQ being released in English. The anime was really amazing, and I want to experience the original. Keep up the good work! :smiley:

i don’ think there will be a digital version with the game being 9 gigs

My external hard drive (a 200 GB Western Digital MyBook Essentials, if you’re curious) came preloaded with its system software physically on the hard drive instead of on a separate pressed disc. To prevent this data from being modified or deleted, WD configured the drive so that the system software would appear as a separate read-only partition whenever the drive was plugged in, keeping it logically distinct from the rest of the contents of the drive. There’s zero possibility of me accidentally deleting the files, and I can partition the drive however I wish without affecting the original files (Windows recognizes it as a separate DVD-ROM drive, so it can’t be altered in any way). I was trying to suggest something along these lines with a School Days USB drive; I didn’t mean to imply that the entire drive be made read-only (that’d defeat its purpose as an extra).

You and me both. I really liked the anime adaptation because of its sobering take on some very important adolescent issues as well as its undeniable lasting impact. However, I have some serious issues with the anime version as a standalone story, so I’m very much looking forward to the original source material (incidentally, these issues are not present in the manga version, if you wish to check it out).

Whenever I recommend the anime version to others, I have to warn them that I think this version was written by two geniuses and a dumbass, all with equal say. Some of the writing is brilliant (such as the coffee table incident), whereas some of it is headbangingly awful (the flower metaphor). The writers don’t seem to be sure which audience they’re catering to, either; the main narrative is treated in a serious, somber, and mature manner, whereas some scenes give the distinct impression that they’re pandering to easily-stimulated teenagers instead (the show’s own reaction to Kotonoha’s swimsuit says it all…). My biggest complaint, though, would be the glaring plotholes between episodes 10 and 11. Considering how much of a logical leap you need to take to bridge the events in these episodes, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was told that the show was slated for 13 episodes and that the real episode 11 was simply never released.

aRE YOU talking about the game or anime

It might still be cheaper to adopt the server load to transmit 9 gigs to each digital customer, than to pay shipping to ship them copies.

The anime version. As I’ve stated earlier in this thread, I have yet to see any of the original game’s content beyond the first chapter (the fansubbed preview) and a handful of very spoilerific animated GIFs. Still, I can see why you’d be confused; the phrase “this version” does seem a bit ambiguous in retrospect.

I’d be surprised if the original game was a full 13 chapters long; to my knowledge, the game is around half that length.