School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

i am not sure if that is cheaper
like $1-$5 per person or the bandwidth needed to do 9gb per person

More than 9gb per person, likely, because some people’s downloads would mess up and have to start over from scratch.

Wouldn’t it be possible to download 9 parts of 1 giga each or something like that? Like Koihime Musou download is divided in 2 parts. It doesn’t seem unreasonable :slight_smile:

for that kind of size i would rather have a disk
i will have to load it off my portable hard drive
right now i am guessing it will be fall at the earliest unless overflow had their offices messed up in the disaester

that would still be a bitch to do and my guess even hard than doing disks

A single 9 GB archive or nine 1 GB archives would be the same time waster if you ask me (oftentimes, I pick between games on DLsite after seeing their ‘weight’ :wink: ), I’m definitely getting physical copies of the next Peapri games (Demonbane, Yumina and School Days) I’m interested in…

The copyright beast is loose again, I see :roll: …

Well, yeah, but you don’t have to re-download 9 giga if any error occurs :slight_smile:

I’m having trouble finding sources for this claim, but I’ve seen it bandied about that a gigabyte of data costs businesses less than a quarter.

If you take into account the cost of pressing the disc, paying people to put the product into boxes, and then shipping the boxes, that’s a couple bucks easily.

If it were $5 for 9 gigs of bandwidth, it’s kind of iffy. But it’s not $5 for 9 gigs of bandwidth, it’s closer to $2 and maybe less.

added my current channel with no copyright breaking

I can see what you mean. Having only seen the anime adaptation, I don’t really have anything to compare it to, but I suppose it must be quite a bit different to the original game or the manga. I’m quite a fan of a certain murder mystery visual novel which was translated by another company, but watching the anime adaptation afterwards made me slightly disappointed with the way they handled the story. While the anime adaptation is still very much enjoyable, it doesn’t exactly compare to the source material. I suppose the different medium means they have to make some changes for it to be more suitable. I can see a similar thing being the case with School Days. The anime is brilliant, but I think there are a few places that could have been improved a bit. Either way, I can’t wait to compare the two when SDHQ is released.

Well, having played the game, in my opinion it was somewhat poor compared to the anime. In other adaptations the biggest loss is that you miss the narrative, but that isn’t an issue in School Days, and instead you may compare it with an anime, in which case (understandably) it doesn’t stand very well. The bad ends are few, and is not as much of a trainwreck as the anime was; and the rest of the game I ended finding a little repetitive. In the end, though, I played it all, the same as Lancer-X, so there’s something it must have.

Heh. I recently picked up a hard copy of Higurashi. Reading just the opening scene, I can agree that a lot was lost in the adaptation process. The difference here, though, is that Higurashi is a linear story, whereas School Days consists of many branches. Towards the end of the anime, they attempted to combine three of the game’s endings and add an original twist (Makoto gets a harem, Sekai kills Makoto, Kotonoha murders Sekai, and Sekai drifts off into the sunset with Makoto’s severed head instead of committing suicide). The problem is that the first of these does not flow with the narrative up to that point, creating a significant plothole (Hikari was hopelessly in love with Taisuke, so why is she sleeping with Makoto now? I 'm sure this point is explained in the game…). Although the mood whiplash in the anime is deliberate, the shameless treatment of the some of the fanservice feels really out of place in the story. “Subtle” things like the non-diegetic “awww, yeahh!!!” could have been removed or replaced with a gulp or an “inner monologue”-style comment and the scene in question would have been much better off for it. The fanservice itself is fine; it’s how the show itself reacts to it that I find insulting.

Anyway, the manga version has an original ending, and Makoto is actually a likable character in this version of events. The manga consists of two volumes and both of them have been translated, so you might want to check it out if you have an hour or so to kill.

Fair enough. I haven’t played the full game, so I can’t really say. Comparing Chapter 1 of the the game to the first episode of the anime leads me to believe that the game is better, but that’s a selective comparison based largely on my initial impressions.

While I don’t want to be spoiled any more than I already have, could you tell me if the flower play was in the original game? Given how shallow and poorly written it is, I’m inclined to believe the animators just made it up.

Hm, I don’t remember much details from the anime, but I don’t remember there being any play in the game

I’m referring to [spoiler]the play that Setsuna goes to watch during the school festival about a masked figure who betrays the world to reach for a flower (that’s the best summary I can give since there really isn’t much substance to it). The intended metaphor is paper-thin: Sekai is the world (she lampshades this in the first episode), Makoto is the flower (though he certainly doesn’t deserve to be compared to one), and Setsuna is betraying Sekai by falling for Makoto herself (as illustrated by her kissing Makoto in his sleep – the moment Kotonoha passes by their classroom, no less).

In the final episode, after Kotonoha casts aside her demure self and forces Sekai to watch as she reclaims her boyfriend, Sekai’s subsequent mental breakdown is illustrated in the exact same manner as the play: someone betraying another to reach for a flower. One of the figures removes her mask to reveal that, surprise surprise, she is actually Setsuna and that Sekai was the one who betrayed their friendship instead of the other way around. Sekai’s next course of action, orchestrating Makoto’s murder, doesn’t follow from this newfound guilt (a murder-suicide plan would have made much more sense) and her series-long guilt toward Kotonoha completely vanishes (though the shock of getting a taste of her and Makoto’s own brand of medicine excuses this detail).[/spoiler]

As I said before, I feel that both play scenes are poorly written and question the viewers’ intelligence. I could easily explain the discrepancy in the quality of the writing if it turned out that the coffee table scene (where Makoto makes it perfectly clear through his actions that getting laid is more important to him than preventing anything or anyone from suffering permanent damage – subtle, brilliant writing, if you ask me) was taken from the game and the play was written specifically for the anime. I’d just like a confirmation as to whether that’s actually the case. Kanna, I’m sure you’re more than qualified to answer that question.

the most affect game company working with jast seems to be overflow so my guess is if school days comes out this year in will be barely this year
like christmas time

Since the mistake keeps being made, may I point out to people that “0verflow” first letter is the figure zero, not the letter o? Their name and the 0 are puns with their main company’s name, STACK ? STACK 0verflow.

I’m pretty sure that was intentional.

If there was anything that I have learned about JAST, it is that you should always tack at least a year on top of their estimated release date. So if they said Summer 2011, then it is probably really gonna be released Summer 2012. Someone at JAST clearly is a bit too optimistic in their estimated release dates if their pass release schedule are of any indication.

they are mostly waiting on the slow ass translator
jast doesn’t always take away they take as long as the game takes to translate send to get the text insertion and uncensored cg insertion
and their last checks then finally the disc printing which can take a month or 2

The translation of the original school days has been finished for 2 years,hes not a slow translator.

I’m thinking it is the Japanese developers are slow. They take their sweet time.