Tell me a little more about Family Project

While the Rosetta Stone software language tools are quite useful, in my opinion (from the last demo I tried before taking classes), the one for Japanese is way too much too handle without any previous knowledge (specifically, hiragana and katakana). With other ones in languages that use roman characters, the system is quite good. In fact, when browsing through the various demos, I did reasonably well even when I jumped straight in to one of the highest levels of German in the demonstration.

There is a fan group attempting an English translation of Remember 11. Someone tried to start a project for Never 7 as well, though I don’t think that ever got anywhere. No projects attempted or in progress for 12 Riven that I know of.

Well as it stands now, we’re still waiting on the release of Princess Waltz, and the last time ‘the list’ was updated, Family Project’s status hadn’t changed. This list I mentioned is here(For any who don’t already know about it.): viewtopic.php?f=14&t=29

Wish I could give a better answer.

I have already picked out the order of which I will likely go in lol. I do not get confused very easily , but if there are over 100 choices I might find myself a bit lost myself. I have had this preordered since the day after pre ordering became available. I must admit my patience is draining; if for no other reason then I wish to go through this visual novel very badly. And i know ill have to wait days for it to ship after its finally out. But hopefully it will be soon and ill have one of the VN’s i’ve always wanted localized in my hands.

Was that by chance a condensed course using nakama 1? :smiley:

Ah, someone who is familiar with the textbook my class uses! Yes, the textbook I used and am using for class now is ???. Japanese III and IV at my current school use ???.

how long is the game time wise

Took me something along the lines of 25 hours to clear.

the new update seems to say this game might come out next

That was the e-mail I was sent from JAST Feb 10th… so I am quite happy :slight_smile:

i bet g-collections is shooting for a major con to release it

Playing the Japanese original of this game, reminds me how… well… old it is. Going to be interesting how “casual erogers” react to the graphic and bling-bling drop, after getting spoiled by Princess Waltz. The lower price is nice though.

Taken off PlayAsia, who I’m sure took from J-List:

Kazoku Keikaku does feel a bit dated, I’ll admit. Not THAT dated… it still looks fairly nice, and the comedy is still as top-rate as it ever was, but yeah, certainly feels like a blast from the past.

Of course, the original unvoiced Kazoku Keikaku feels much more dated, from the 320x240 OP (I actually like that OP! Just wish it wasn’t such low res) to the lack of voice acting…

Lower price…? It’s the same price as most of their other games, $40.

$40 is pretty damn good for Kazoku Keikaku, given that it hasn’t fallen in price much despite being such an old game.

lol… you’re right…

Forget the Japanese version costs different from the American (paid 4000 yen for mine; much cheaper than the 9800 yen I pay for others).

Sorry. :oops:

True. Compared to the original, it’s state-of-the-art. :wink:

the graphic qualitty could be worse just compare it to pia carrot or Time Stripper Mako-chan

The graphic quality is not bad.
Furthermore I’m more interested in the story and the romance.

So this is going to be the next game out of the pipe, eh? Well, I’m looking forward to it. But that means I’ll have to wait that much longer for my catgirl futanari butt-fest. Pity.

Now were simply left to ponder when they will release it.