Tell me a little more about Family Project

Did that. Now if both are sent out at the same time (roughly), which should I play first?

Not to mention I have a large backlog of games for my consoles too. :?

oh and i think my family project shipped too

So, “Kazokei” was released outside Japan. That is a GREAT day for erogamers, even more in such a dark period.

Yes, I do have it, and more, since I have the special LE Japanese edition. No, I shall not… I shall… not…
Yes, I shall buy it again since it’s laincursed Kazokei. ^^;;;;;

[size=25]…I’m weak-willed and it forebode ill about my plan NOT to buy AzifuDemonbane when it’s released in English since I already have the two Japanese games.[/size] :frowning:

it seems there might be some text issue
that will be fixed in the future … y-project/

Bah, it’s not as if downloading patch updates was uncommon for computer softwares --including games. As long as they don’t try to beat 0verflow’s School Days first “patch”… :wink:

So I’ve just pre-ordered the DL edition, cause well, I really only buy DL editions outside of actual imports (well, PW/Brave Soul/ and a few others I guess) and unlike the article that michelous linked to, JLIST is telling me I’ve gotta wait a week to get my DL. Which is fine, if I have to wait until August like the article suggests, that’s fine too, don’t get me wrong, I was just hoping I could troll through the threads/boards and see if there would be some announcement as to when DL orders are going to be processed/shipped. I’m just hoping it’s not a “one week from the start of 2010” deal you know?

Really looking forward to this, and hell, if MG comes out with Shuffle! in August, that’s two big names titles in 2 months, which is pretty awesome. Although I’m looking forward to KK a helluva lot more than Shuffle! (nerine ftw though)…but I’ve been doing my best to support western eroge, much to the chagrin of my wallet.

Got my copy today and I have to say the game is better than I had anticipated. So much so that I got dragged in until I hit the OP video whereupon I decided it was time to break. The age of the game does show to an extent but it doesn’t really detract from anything. There are some fairly short portions where there is no voice which is a bit odd but so far they only account for at most 1% of the dialogue. It’s easy to see why it was so highly praised as all the characters are well done, my personal favorite being Aoba though Jun comes in a close second. It’s definitely been worth the purchase and I’d have no problem recommending it to pretty much anyone.

When I think I still can’t order Cosplay fetish on archonia and now FP is almost out…
It seems we will be more and more busy in the next months my friends (considering the recent announcement concerning nitro+ :)).

(And despite of that I don’t have the time to think about that now for some reasons (-> FFXII <-))

It’s been almost two years since the last release of what I would call a real light eroge : Snow Sakura.
(Princess waltz lacks of H)
I put all my hopes and dreams in FP :lol:

aNY one got a walkthrough … kazoku.htm

Pretty hard to make out anything from babel translation but its only thing thats out there.

From looks of walkthrough there is 5 ending so I assume its 1 per girl without any sort of true ending.

then what is the first one is that like a starter path

Yep I am pretty sure “common chart” refers to before route split. Especially sense beginning of all other path say “From common chart” at the very top.

Got my copy today now.

The only complaint I have is that it doesn’t install in Program Files.

Finally found it in Documents and Settings, and then I could use Microsoft AppLocale on it too.

I wonder if we discuss the censorship in this thread, if this thread will be locked as well?

They didn’t lock the X-Change 3 thread nearly as quickly as they did this one.

I imagine that this thread would only be locked if it got out of hand (i.e as long as it people can keep a cool head and remain civil).

Those censor threads were probably locked because of the rude and abrasive posts flooding them. Either people were insulting one another or cursing at every little thing.

On topic: really like the game. Touching. Though it took me bit to get used to the shifted view points when they occur. I was lost until I realised the point of view was shifted to one of the girls or the really creepy dude (have a hard time remembering his name…). The music is fantastic though. The piano driven piece is mesmorising.

@Kab: heh I completely missed that, I feel a bit silly now :3

I am quite enjoying my ride so far, I find it hard to drag myself away from the game. I look forward to see how the routes are handled.

They replied in a post of their own, which is currently open and debating obscenity of all things…

Aoba scares me by the way :frowning:

Playing through this now, and I have to say the script quality isn’t anywhere as high quality as I would expect after two years. There’s not that many major English errors (compared to typical MG anyway), but there’s a lot of consistency errors. But it just feels stiff, like it was translated by people similar to MG’s translators. Major errors were fixed, but small details were seemingly overlook. For example, swapping the usage of “whoa” (or similar expressions) and “wow.” I noticed MG’s translations use “wow” for way too many inappropriate situations, and it shows up here too. The way names are written in the text box also change often (not matching the voice, translation vs. romanization, inconsistent capitalization or hyphenation), revealing multiple translators and/or editors. When you polish a script, small details like these make a big difference.

I also can’t say they didn’t have some really bad lines, like “Maybe I’ll go enjoy.” :lol: I think they just forgot the last half of the sentence. I don’t know how that slips by a check.

As for the game itself, there are some really annoying characters to me, so they’ll probably bring down my overall view of the game.

BTW, is there an official website for KK ?