Tell me a little more about Family Project

so is anyone that finished the game willing to make a walkthrough

Just finished Aoba’s route. Here’s my mostly spoiler-free review/thoughts/whatever.

First up, character commentary. Some of the characters in this game are extremely annoying.

Haruka is a retard or something. She acts like she’s half Matsuri’s age. I can’t believe Tsukasa was willing to go so far for her, even when she obviously caused so many problems. And maybe I just forgot or something, but I had no idea what debt he owed her that he kept mentioning throughout the game. My enjoyment of the game was significantly degraded because of her.

Matsuri herself isn’t too great. She’s too apologetic and self-degrading, but at least I can sort of understand where she comes from. So while she’s slightly annoying, she’s bearable.

Jun seemed sort of interesting, and I may go do her route next. She’s quiet, but not one of the stereotypical quiet types from what I saw.

Masumi is just a suicidal airhead. I didn’t care much either way for her.

Aoba is a real cold-hearted bitch. Tsundere are usually my favorite, but she’s pretty much on another level of cold-hearted bitchiness. She didn’t seem to show any signs of a cute soft side until the end. Not acceptable to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hiroshi is a crazy bastard. Too weird and random for me.

Lau is awesome. He reminds me of what’s his name… the gay friend in YMK.

As for the story itself, it was good, but definitely not the best ever that it’s made out to be. Some of it was due to translation issues that made it hard to follow, but it also often was hard to understand why certain characters were doing certain things. It didn’t seem like a character’s past really explained why they were acting the way they did in the present. Though I do have to admit, this is probably one game that’s best on the last ending you play, when you understand everyone’s background more.

The translation was a major disappointment. This took TWO years to do? The beginning of the game wasn’t too bad, but it got a lot of worse later in the game. It often reminded me of MG quality (roughly on par with Kira Kira). One of the last lines of this path was, “I’ll be nothing’s changed.” What does that even mean? Hello MG quality.There were a good amount of English errors, bad phrasing, signs that the translators weren’t native English speakers, and inconsistent translation of honorifics and names.

I saw Japanese order names and English order names. I saw honorifics used and not used (I think the translator who did Aoba’s path just dropped them all). I saw onii-san (and similar titles) translated and untranslated, and sometimes they wrote onii-san when it wasn’t even said (once they said “Love brother” in English and the other time “aniki”). I swear I could produce a better script in 2-3 months. Again Jast, this seriously took two years to do? A lot of errors could simply be fixed by a playthrough of the game.

Score for the game: 3 out of 5. (integer scores only)
It has potential to be bumped to a 4 if the other paths are good and if I could actually follow the story well. I’m still not sure whether it’s more of the translation’s fault or the original writing’s fault.

Out of curiosity, would you be willing to score the game again after the patch we have heard about is released?

The translation is a little… eh… but then given how long just one scenario turns out to be, I understand the frustration in trying to perfect such large amounts of text. Luckily, the problems aren’t game breaking, just a little startling from time to time. Hopefully the patch comes out soon, because I am enjoying the characters so far. Though Aoba still scares me… at least I know her “weakness”… :twisted:

I was going to write a walkthrough for this, but the length kind of burned me out early this morning. I started missing choices because of it and have decided to break on the walkthrough for the moment.

A brief comment on the translation discrepancies toward the end of the game: these are known issues and will be addressed in a text patch that is currently being worked on. Any specific feedback regarding the translation is appreciated; this can be directed to us via PM on the forums, email (, or Peter’s ‘website feedback’ section of the J-List help site at . While discussing in this thread, we request that specific instances of spoilers be hidden with spoiler tags out of consideration for other forum-goers.

Again - we are working on a text patch that will clear up these errors and plan to have something available as soon as possible. “As soon as possible” in this case is partially contingent on receiving cooperation from an increasingly distant CD Bros., the parent company of G-Collections; however, we are committed to doing what is necessary to prop up their waning fortunes long enough to see this and our two remaining currently licensed GC games through to fruition.

Okay I need an honest answer; is this game really THAT good? As in is it good enough to play in its current condition or should I just wait for the patch?

As it’s nearing the end of summer, I’ve really got to choose which things on my “to play” list I should focus on playing through (everything else I’ll just play casually during the upcoming semester). This is what’s on my list:
Tears to Tiara
Men at Work 2
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Wanko to Karosu
Da Capo
Devils Devel Concept (I’m DT’s editor)
G Senjou no Maou (Quality checker for the fanlation group)
Mugen Kairou 2
Shikigami 2008
Persona 4
Valkyria Chronicles
Sengoku Rance
Dies irae Also sprach Zarathustra -die Wiederkunft-

Is this game’s story really good enough to top these (story-wise)?

One more question, just how many 4chan jokes/references (and whatever other in jokes) are in this game? Are we talking as frequent as the Bill Clinton jokes in the english version of EVE burst error?

It is pretty good and on the long side. I guess it depends on how much of a grammar nazi one is in regards to the text issues. I’m normally pretty bad, but I’m getting strung along by the story, so…

I can give another score, but I’m not going to replay any parts of the game I’ve already played. I was planning to put the game away for a while anyway, so I might as well wait until the patch.

Speaking of which, grammar lesson for your translators, Jast: “A while” means a period of time. “Awhile” means “for some time.” Therefore, “for awhile” is wrong.

Speaking of Aoba, did you play her path? Aoba’s path spoiler alert! It’s weird how they never followed up with her previous use of drugs. They just completely dropped it.

And I don’t know if it’s a good use of time to make a walkthrough of the game. Jast usually provides one anyway.

I haven’t played any of the games you listed, but it’s probably not better than some of those games in the list. Just play something from that list instead. The game in its current state is hard to follow at times.

I haven’t completed a route but so far it’s been very good. I haven’t seen very many of the jokes scattered about and while there are noticeable grammar/spelling issues it’s nowhere near enough to detract from it, definitely not on the level of MangaGamer. In regards to your backlog, everything I’ve heard has Mugen Kairou 2 as being excellent, do NOT start Sengoku Rance unless you intend on getting addicted for a good amount of time, Utawarerumono and Tears to Tiara are both fairly good and not terribly long so I’d save those for your semester play time, and I’d probably rate KK above Da Capo and Suika but that’s just me.

On a side note I’m just going to ignore the response thread now as it’s pretty pointless to try to say anything in either direction, the vocal people on both sides are all set in their stance and won’t budge so it’s better not to fan the flames.

How far are you? The beginning of the game is fairly good, but from what I saw, the script degrades significantly later in the game.

And I figured out that I should stay away from that thread after the first several pages. :lol: Okay, part of the reason was also that I was too lazy to read that many replies. It’s like a whole week’s worth of posts on these forums in one day.

If I recall correctly I’m several hours in, been busy with real life recently…and Fallout 3…and Sengoku Rance. But even if it degrades a bit it’s still been a worthwhile purchase and I for one won’t be asking for a refund.


For those who are playing it now : is it better than Snow Sakura and Crescendo or is it worse (same level as the sagara family) ?

Uh… Snow Sakura and Crescendo are quite different games. One is comedy and the other is drama. KK is a mix of the two. Snow Sakura definitely wins in the comedy department though. I haven’t really reached a verdict on the drama.

You’re joking, right?

Please tell me you’re joking.

You know, it’s part of the thing: these people are weirdoes, misfits, people whom, if you meet them in the street or in a 10 minutes meeting, you’d swear not to come in contact further.
Yet, they manage to form ‘something’, and make you realize how much more they actually are (or can be) than initially thought.

thanks for at least trying to make a walkthrough

Sorry bout that… I’m on my second route and the game has me beaten to a pulp. I didn’t notice that much with my first go 'round, but this game pacing is a bit poor at times. it strings the audience along far too often and for far too long. I don’t know if it is from trying to include so much from every member or just long windedness, but I am completely frustrated with the lenght right now. There are points in the game my face would be slamming off the desk if the keyboard wasn’t there.

Which is better this or KiraKira?

I think there is just too much “fluff” at the dinner and breakfast table, mostly due to that idiot Hiroshi.

Also, I thought they were supposed to be working on each others problems, but it’s like that part was left out completely. Maybe it will pick up a little soon, I’m only just past the scene on the roof with Masumi.