the big announcement your guess

That’s what I thought, but it just seemed a bit off to me. Maybe it’s because of the blur.

the last one on the right kinda looks like looks like 3 methods to conquer the world to me

Was looking through titles by other companies they’ve got deals with, and it looks to me like the 6th one might be Seinarukana, specifically

Identified: … t007u.png/

Thanks 4chan

Saya No Uta
Zoku Satsuriku no Django

Peach Princess
Seinarukana -The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2-

Comparison image showing the covers:

I’m assuming the order the images were posted in is an estimated release order too:

SNU is like 95% complete (just needs JAST checking and such) > first
Kikokugai is short (2-10 hours according to VNDB) > second
hanachirasu is short (2-10 hours according to VNDB) > third
Sumaga is being fan-translated > fourth
Django is medium (10-30 hours according to VNDB) fifth

Seinarukana and Starless will most likely be pushed back due to Peach Princess already having 2 titles they’re working on (Blaze and Yumina), with Seinarukana being an RPG too testing will probably take a while. And Starless will have to be edited to be legally released (Theirs no way those bestiality scenes are legal) which means partial rewrites.

10 years later…

Anyway good luck on not editing Starless. Hopefully they don’t edit anything… And if they do… -10 for Jast!

Edit: For the love of god stop releasing stuff that has already been finished …

They’re gonna have too, theirs 3 scenes with Bestiality that will have to be cut at the minimum for legal reasons

[spoiler]The parent Pig having sex with one of the girls

The baby pigs having sex with one of the girls

The 4some with one of the girls and 3 dogs[/spoiler]

Then don’t release it.

Can we please not get into that right now? At least while they haven’t actually announced anything yet ¬¨_¬¨ It will just re-open the giant XChange 3 flame wars.

Since Leviticus was written.

Sure you do. Bigamy is illegal, isn’t it? Prostitution is illegal, isn’t it? There’s a large hodgepodge of rules and regulations that prohibit conducting certain kinds of business on the sabbath–err, I mean, Sunday, aren’t there?

There are plenty of laws on the books that are quite obviously derived either directly from the Bible, or derived from a culture heavily influenced by it.

If those announcements are real :


Saya No Uta < Preorder
Kikokugai < Preorder
hanachirasu < Preorder
Sumaga < Preorder
Zoku Satsuriku no Django < Preorder

Peach Princess
Seinarukana -The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2- < Preorder
Starless < huh?

@Saya, Kikokugai, hanachirasu - nice. I never bought them before, and I’ve read good reviews… people seem to love Saya.
Hopefully it will come with packaging on par or even better than Demonbane :DD Also, I wonder if their short nature will mean lower prices too? If so, they should make a limited edition with extras or something for a little bit more…

@Su ma ga (Star Mine Girl) - WHAAAAAAAAAAT? GIVE IT TO ME NOW! (This being one of the games I’m dying to play.)
Example : Youtube trailer 2 This one seems like pretty blockbuster quality…
It has a fandisk too… Trailer for Sumaga Special

@Django - No Clue! It looks like it will be a fun one though. On the outside a “typical” western cowboy setting, but I’ve read there are sci-fi elements involved… I like the looks of the main character… and as for the other one/// after playing Demonbane, the awkwardly largee* chested character isn’t that much of a problem :stuck_out_tongue: ;D
Mini CharacterTrailer Mini Trailer 2

(Where’s “Hello, world.”, Gekkou no Carnevale, Steins;Gate/Chaos;Head, and dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnit)

I’m assuming they only want to work on 1 ‘long’ project at a time

SNU, Kikokugai and Hanachirasu have english patches and Sumaga is being done by a fan group

So the only Nitro+ title that really requires the entire process is Django.
…Unless they choose to do the Kikokugai All Ages remake.

Well, at least, Steins;Gate and Chaos;Head are non-H, right? I think Jast is going to wait until it can see how Aselia the Eternal does until they decide whether it’s worth licensing additional non-h games.

Federal government doesn’t care. It’s up to each individual state to define. Nevada is the only one of the 50 that allows it – and then only in certain locations.

Equal parts fiscal and religion. However like prostitution, marriage is mostly ignored at the Federal level and mandated by each state – at least for now (may change with the anti/pro gay marriage fight going on). Last time the Feds got directly involved, was to make interacial marriage legal (sad but true). Utah is suspected to only pay lip service about single partner marriage. Officially they claim it’s illegal to have more than one wife or hubby, but there’s a lot of compelling evidence it happens anyways. See the Mormon Church for more details.

So when Narg finds his twincest wives, guess what state and religion he’s gonna convert to? :wink:

Like the others: State level thing… Feds are silent on it. Most have laws against, but a few have made it defacto-legal. North Carolina is one I think.

Like all obscenity regulations in the US, nothing is legal … yet nothing is illegal either … until after a trial is held. There’s a complicated standard called the Miller Test.

However in practice, yes. Bestiality is illegal in most - if not all! - 50 states, and pornographic depictions of it are generally also banned.

Edit: Someone posted a link earlier to the page listing a state-by-state summary of the rules on bestiality in porn.

To film, depict, and/or sell it. Actually screwing your cow in the privacy of your own… err… barn… depends on the state and perhaps even as far as the local laws.

According to Wikipedia: The remaining 18 states (and DC) do not have laws prohibiting zoosexual activity. Two states had laws against zoophilia that were declared unconstitutional by state courts and were subsequently invalidated: Montana and North Carolina. In Kansas, a law against zoophilia was repealed. In the District of Columbia, a law against zoophilia (listed under “sodomy”) was repealed.

So there are states that fight for animal lov’in. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m thrilled for all of the announcements (sad no Gekkou no Carnevalle), except maybe Starless. I’ll still end up getting all including that one, at the very least I can see if it beats Cthulhu Great Hunting as the worst eroge I’ve ever played.

Sumaga has a sexy “hair covering one eye” girl in it. I approve! Her dino costume is only a bonus. 8)

i can’t wait for official confirmation
to see if we are right about the titles and if that is all of them

The funny thing is that Utah is the state where you are the MOST likely to get busted for bigamy or defacto bigamy.

If you just want to live with more than one wife/husband/whatever, that’s the worst possible place to do it. The majority of states won’t care as long as you have only one legal spouse getting the financial-and-otherwise benefits. The problems you face will be on the personal level. Individual landlords might refuse to let you rent from them, individual workplaces might have a problem with you, your individual family might be horrified, and if you get into a custody battle that could be trouble. But the overall law will not usually bother you unless you run afoul of zoning laws which are actually aimed at prostitution and catching you by mistake. (Restrictions on how many ‘unrelated’ people can live in a property.)

Except in Utah, where they’re kinda touchy about the Mormon thing and have arrested people for “bigamy” even though they weren’t claiming the extra marriages to be legal. And that bothers me, even though the specific cases I heard of involved people who were kinda doing bad things. Still.

There are serious problems with the patriarchal polygamy setup, but the simple act of having two or more partners is NOT the problem!

/grumpy poly girl signing off.