The Da Capo thread of everlasting sakura trees and delays

You forget one other possibility, that being a combination of the two. That is most likely the case in my opinion, based on some things I’ve heard in the news. If I recall correctly, it had something to do with money being borrowed from outside the US, which would lower the value of the currency of the lending country as well as raise the value of US currency because the borrowed money improves the financial situation.

That’s true, I’ve heard something similar to that.

:shock: exchange rate discussion :?:

anyone know if the new download is different from the Original?, downloading ~800MB on my connection will take hours and I’d rather avoid it if possible.

@Kanodin: you can always re-download your game from your account page. :mrgreen:

There are slight corrections to the text and to the scripting as well as to some of the UI.

Downloading :smiley:

I really didn’t know that they allowed that, can’t you tell I don’t keep up with updates ;-; lol.

… It’s strange… I tought that yesterday they reported it again to the 25th.

I’m definitively not downloading it before 2 or 3 days (furthermore I still have to finish Princess Waltz).

I visited their website this morning and found the game on sale, as scheduled.

Anyway, I’ve started to play the game and so far I’m really liking it. The translation is quite good, too…I wouldn’t call it perfect but I’ve found no major flaws so far. So, good job Mangagamer :mrgreen:

So err… Anyone see the different between this version and the leaked one? I’m waiting for my download be done

Some errors are fixed in the text.

Plus some animation is fixed apparently, according to Mangagamer.

now i want mangagamer to release suika

They sure will, D.C will soon be their greatest success ever since its release, Circus should consider licensing more titles.

Bought this game recently and have been playing it quite a bit the past couple of days. Personally I think it’s one of the better light ero games to come out in English yet. The translation overall was very good, although there were a few sentences that made little sense and a few spelling errors, as well as some liberties taken with the translation here and there (like how “seppuku” became “I’ll kill you”), but overall it was much much better than I feared after seeing the website and order email from them. The weirdest error I saw popped up twice, where the game had “oniichan” in the middle of the word, maybe a weird string error or someone using auto-replace since one of the words it happened in was “brow” (the bro part became oniichan, so the word became oniichanw).

And woot for keeping honorifics and proper addressing (using first or last name when characters do instead of always just using first name)! For the love of all that’s holy, please do that in PP translated games too! Anyone “nerdy” enough to play an erogame will know what those words mean anyway (and if not it’s nothing a quick FAQ won’t fix), and it just adds depth to the translation. I find it odd that PP which is attached to J-list, a company that makes a living of bringing over Japanese culture to the western world, cuts out such a huge part of the Japanese culture from their translations.

Very pleased with the purchase myself, and hoping we’ll see more of the sort translated. Now we just need the extended versions…

There is a walkthrough on Note that some of the “minor” storylines aren’t reachable until the major ones have been played through. For instance, I couldn’t get the event to start Miharu’s story until I finished Sakura’s (already had Nemu, Kotori and Moe done at the time), but this isn’t mentioned in the walkthrough. I could however get Mako’s story before Sakura’s was done, so it’s possible that Mako was either reachable from the beginning or needed only Moe finished to unlock.

Oops, I forgot to mention that in the FAQ. The following four can be gotten right off, Sakura, Mako, Kotori and Nemu, with no need to unlock anything. However, in order to get Moe, You have to unlock Mako.(at least I think you do; I got Mako my first play through so I don’t know to be honest) As for the other two once you beat the game and get the other storylines, you have the ability to unlock Miharu and of course my favorite Yoriko/Misaki. That was a mistake on my part for not mentioning, how to unlock those storylines.

In any case; I have just uploaded the updated FAQ to gamefaqs. It will be up whenever they approve the submission.

So err… where to meet that Suika couple in D.C? I strongly believe they’re Sayaka-senpai and Shouji-kun :lol:

I couldn’t tell you, to be honest.

sakura route in the cherry park i think
i didn’t see shouji unless you meet them again

I got Moe before Mako, so she should be reachable just off the bat as well, or at least not require Mako. I just assumed Mako wasn’t available from the start because she, like Miharu, is a relatively “minor” char when compared to Nemu, Sakura, Kotori and Moe. Also, I think I more or less did everything needed to get Mako (which I was trying for) when I did the playthrough where I got Moe, except I picked wrong on the favorite hotpot question as well as waiting with Mako instead of running off when I got the chance.

Great walkthrough though, used it to get Mako, Miharu and Nemu’s “true” ending

i am confused do you need to complete moe to get mako or mako to get moe

Apparently, you can get them both right off, nothing required. I just got Mako first, which is what made me assume you could only get Moe after Mako.

AG, yea it is quite easy to jump from one path to another. I kept jumping off of Moe’s onto Mako, while doing the FAQ. Kept pissing me off lol.