Twincest is Best

I think i found some new eroges with twins:

Ah, I was curious about propeller’s Asairo as well - the characters look like they could be twins, but their profile only refers to them as sisters. Maybe someone who’s played the demo can confirm/deny this?

Damn… I’ve been neglecting this thread. :frowning: I’ll need to dig through my collection and post stuff to make up for my grave sin.

This I want. I want so badly. 8)

Oh yea… just learned something about the new Transformers movie. MAJOR SPOILER:

There’s twin brother Transformers. Even more kinky: in what is probably the greatest character redesign in Transformer history, Arcee is now triplet. :twisted:

I’m sorry, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t get it. All of those words make sense individually, but I have no idea what you’re talking about when you put them together in that order.

I mean, there is no “new” Transformers movie. But if there were (which there isn’t) then there would have had to be an “old” Transformers movie, for this (alleged) new movie to be a sequel of. And there most certainly is no such movie. And it definitely would not have been so lame that most of the robots would have been minor characters in their own movie.

Yeah, from what I can tell, Transformers ended about the time I lost interest in them in the early 90s. :mrgreen:

You mean this version of Transformers? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh well… at least we know Megatron was into dark eroge. :wink:

Ah, so nice to see one of my childhood obsessions again. The joking of my previous post aside, I can’t stand how they have been mutilated. I remember the first time I looked at Transformers again, and being traumatized by the crappy looking, poorly integrated 3D CG. Then there is the even newer one where the characters look really retarded. Then there are the toys. When I had Transformers growing up, a good deal of them that I remember handling were made with sturdy metal. The ones they make now from plastic look to me like I would break them if I tried to transform them.

Edit: On second thought, after doing some searching for the ones I had as a child, maybe them being made out of metal was a case of revisionist history in my mind. For instance, these were some of the ones I had:

Yeah. When a child i loved the first series of Transformers, too. I tried to never lose one episode. :lol:

I watched a lot of J.I. Joes, too…

I’m sure Narg loved to see the cobra twins, Xamot and Tomax in action. :roll:

I just found where Narg’s avatar comes from:

Is this game any good?

Kawaii na Shock… I did a review of that game on my old site. Back then I thought of the game as pretty good, but having played through a lot more eroge since then (better and worst), I’m of the mind to say it’s only average. Basically a lighthearted comedy, that doesn’t take itself too seriously. No deep plot. IIRC, the music was terrible. Great artwork and kinky sex though. Only worth two or three days though. Not a sexfest per se… there was a story (main plot was about a vampire that wanted to see the sun… which would obviously kill her) - it just wasn’t a great one. No harem ending.

It’s the “loose sequel” to another megami title (which was pretty terrible to be honest).

This thread needs moar twincest. :slight_smile:

As we all expected, new preview screenshots reveal Haruka na Sora packs 100% more Sora.

Narg approves of this!! 8)

Narg, I know you’ve probably already played Leaf’s classic eroge Kizuato.

However, you’d better go play it again, because the 2009 rerelease contains twincest.

Besides, it’s a great game =P

Alright, alright, what’s this?

Errr… simply great? :wink:

ducks and runs


Thanks for the tip. Preordering it now. :slight_smile:

Rabu Rabu from Swan Eye. I know it’s not saying much, but they have another twincest title that’s a bit better storywise. However both are just quickie twincest sexfests. :stuck_out_tongue:

According to comments, it seems the classic eroge ???¬Ö contains twincest (erogamescape, a comment under one of the 3P POV tags). It’s apparently very good, too. (after AIR, Tsukihime and Phantom it’s the top rated eroge for 2000).

So what are the quality twincestial titles then?

  • Clover Heart’s
  • Garden
  • Hate Shinaku Aoi Kono Sora no Shita de
  • Kao no Nai Tsuki
  • MinDead Blood
  • Natural Another One 2nd: Belladonna
  • Rakuen
  • Serina
  • Shinjyu no Yakata
  • Suigetsu
    There’s ten for you, go wild.

I am missing among them “Futari de hitotsu no koigokoro”.

Oh, the list of decent twincest titles is far, far larger than that. I just named ten right off the top of my head, rather than trying to build a comprehensive list.

Besides, I haven’t played Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro, so I can’t confirm whether it’s a quality title or not. I’ve actually tried to find a copy in the past, but it’s been a bit difficult.