Twincest is Best

The dark history of Japan… according to a 1936 issue of Time Magazine, [url=,9171,770452,00.html]Japanese women used to kill a baby when they had twins[/url], because they culturally believed only wild animals gave multiple births. :shock: :frowning: Maybe this is why Japan is now a Mecca of Twincest? To make up that tragic past? Furthermore, [url=]modern Japan is still behind on twincest research[/url] than the rest of the world.

This makes Narg sad. I need more twincest to make me happy again. :o


You already know what this game also has, I’m curious to see if you will skip it, this time :wink:

Well, it wasn’t uncommon in European noble families to kill one baby when they had twins, to prevent later family assets sharing conflicts, so…

On another topic, I’m replaying ??? and going after my favourite girl, Shindou, so you should be proud, Narg. Or, mayhap not. :slight_smile:

Once upon a time there was an eroge called Tsukihime. It had twins who loved each other so very much.

Yet oh the horror of horrors, there was not a single twintopian threesome to be found anywhere!

Oh how the world wept… for how could Type-Moon deny such a lovely thing like that? They were such bastards.

Then came news a remake was in the works, and that this remake would include new material and routes not featured in the original. So the fans of Hisui and Kohaku began to wonder if this could mean what they thought it could mean¬Ö

Oh how they wondered and imagined such glorious things, if a twincest threesome was in the Tsukihime remake.

It was a worthy dream. It was a worthy cause. How could anyone deny the glory of an identical sister orgy?

And so the fanboys of Hisui and Kohaku love, rallied their forces to flood Type-Moon with the DEMAND that a twincest threesome be included.

For everyone knows that twincest is best!! Why accept anything less?

Fight! Fight for everlasting twincest!!

This should be relevant to Narg’s interests. :smiley:

Oh yes… this will do nicely. Must find me a copy. My twincest collection always loves dark skinned beauties like Mara and Nara. 8)

On a side note, the sample images for that game, remind me how twincest will get you fat. :wink:

I might take dig through my collection to find twincest feedings. I’m sure it’s at least two or three dozen of them.

Watching some Cartoon Network reruns had be catch a pair of twins on Batman Beyond. I guess the story writer has some kind of weird sense of humor, since the twins seem to always take each other out…

Or, quite possibly the story writer IS a twin and like many, doesn’t get along with their sibling.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

What you claim is inconceivable to the human psyche when it comes to twincest. :stuck_out_tongue:

Incidentally, it’s also getting really high scores/good POVs on EGS.

A few more things I’ve come across that may have twincest: Twincest is Best . I’ve only played the trial of Withryhope Gakuen (dlsite link), so whilst it does have twins, I can’t vouch for it having any twincest. It does have very high production values for a doujin game, and it’s well put together, characters seem fun etc. so I’ll be getting it at some stage.

Oh yes… I’ve been watching that one closely. It’s the sequel (in a manner of speaking, since it’s happening in the same timeframe) to the only Eushully game I’ve ever seriously enjoyed: Soukai No Oujo Tachi. That it contains twincest, only makes me drool and desire with more anticipation.

I really plan on reviewing Soukai No Oujo Tachi before the year is over, as soon as I can find time to do so. I loved the setting and characters. Certainly not as creative in terms of game play or innovation when compared to other Eushully titles, but it’s not everyday you run into a WW2 submarine theme eroge.

Sorry if this is Off Topic, but OMG Narg changed his avatar!

lol… yea…

It’s only temporary and because of this thread.

Ecchi nano wa ikenai to omoimasu!” coming from me of all people, is probably the most hypocrytic thing possible on the forum given several of my tastes in eroge. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to mention Bow Ditama, illustrator of Mahoro, given the awesome twincest he worked on next. :twisted:

Bloody Call appears to be a Non-H dark themed b-game for girls (b for bishonen of course), that prominently features a pair of twin brothers aiding the main heroine. It’s being published by Will and newcomer icingCandy.

[url=]Official Site[/url]

[url=]Getchu Entry[/url]

[url=]OP Movie[/url]

I also wanted to point out that Usagi-chan from Yosuga no Sora is getting a PVC figurine.

Oh… and the cute bunny includes the twin brother loving Sora as a bonus free extra. :wink:

I read Marriage Royale manga chapter 1 translated. It had maid twins- Miku and Miu.

Marriage Royale is harem manga.

Nargrakhan, I am sorry that I couldn’t find any image of maid twins.

I found wikipedia about it.

Some more useless but interesting info. To get twincest like this:

Something like this must occur:

Odds of happening? Has never happened in recorded medical history… but it’s theoretically possible. :stuck_out_tongue:

Got it. Won it. 8)

Quite good considering all things. Lotsa Mara and Nara love, with a cute little story that tries to explain their back history. Not an epic eroge mind you… but quite good for what it is (fan made DQ doujin). Includes Taloon’s wife, the Tsarina, and main herione as well – but the majority is delicious twincest.

And of course what twincest title can do without that classic scene of twins crying out simultaneously, arm in arm, with lips only a breath away? Not this one of course! :o

I loved the part where Nara complained to Mara that every time Mara went around slutting her body on the dance floor, every man leering knew what Nara’s body also looked like, despite how much clothes she wore to hide it. Ah… twincest is so wonderful. :o

Oh yea… for those who understand Japanese, you might enjoy this: ???

Hello, guys! Long time no see/talk! :lol:

Hey, Narg. Did you already checked a manga and soon to be released anime show called AKI-SORA?

It’s about Sora, a boy who is feminine-looking and a complete wimp living with his ****ed crazy family. He has the hots for Aki, his kind and sexy older sister. One night she jumps on him and bang him, starting a incestuous love with lots and lots of crazy sex.

Sora also has a twin sister, Nami, who is iddentical to him except for her personality. She is at the Cosplay Club and forces Sora to join her and to put girls’ clothes all the time. She has a best friend who is a beautiful and gentle girl in love with Sora (God knows why). But the problem is, Nami is lesbian and has the hots for her best friend. So she decide to pretend to be Sora to get closer to her friend.

This manga DEFINITELY has twins and incest. :lol:

I read that manga at one point.

It was actually decent up until the orgy and that exhibitionist giving her virginity away so pathetically…. That bothered me on so many levels and I pretty much stopped reading at that point. If I had been there, I would have slapped her.

Yeah, me too.

Except the one i was blaming was mainly Sora. He was letting the girls to do what they wanted to him and he never did a thing to stop them. He was already Makoto-level pussy. At some point i stoped reading the manga, yealling “For Christ’s sake grow some balls, Sora!!” :lol:

I guess I am a bit more used to the wimp given the harem based manga/anime I enjoy or the more romantically centred manga such as Suzuka and Pastel where both guys take some time to get that backbone (although in those last two it is more believable than many harem titles).

But even then, Sora was a bit of a pansy. Still, Runa is simply a person that I just can’t respect. I didn’t mind the exhibitionism but giving up her virginity like that just de-humanised her and made her worthless in my eyes. Given the implications in the manga, it seems she likes and possibly loves Sora. So how in the hell can she do something so crass and pathetic? If it was me in Sora’s place that would have ended any possibility of a relationship (assuming Aki and Sora might not last).

Hmmm… I’ll need to look into this manga, and see what I think of it. :o

Also on a side note: I just finished Garden, as was suggested in this thread, last night. Narg approves. :wink: