What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

I’m still hoping they will translate Yin-Yang X-Change Alternative 2. I’m wondering what are the odds that it will be translated since they translated the first one?

The XChange series is as close to a bankable property as PeaPri has. It ain’t going nowhere.

You will get my support here. But really getting the licensing for that game could be difficult. A fan translation might be more likely.

What do you mean by Bankable? Does that mean it most likely will get translated or won’t? Or did the first Yin-Yang X-Change sell terrible or something cause I bought my copy when it first came out.

Because “X-Change” was PeaPri’s first game ever and all of the games of that series have been released (though there are certain not-yet-released CROWD.games that are now very unlikely to be released and which I think would have been better), I think that only if Yin-Yang would have sold terribly, there would be a big chance for the second one being not localized.

Because I so far only remember one person here recently being disappointed with it, I don’t think you have to worry too much over your wish.

I have to admit that I haven’t bought it myself yet though - I still have to finish X-Change III (only gotten two endings there yet - one good and one bad, both with Asuka). Thus I have certain idea wheather I would really want the second Yin-Yang myself. Actually, I still feel a doubts about a “X-Change” without Takuya and Asuka (… and Chisato!!! :wink: ).

And currently, I have to turn my attention more towards “MinDeaD Blood” anyway - at least the time that I don’t use for watching “Lucky Star”.

I plan on Buying Yin-Yang X-Change Alternative 2 as soon as it gets localized.

Bankable has a very particular meaning when it comes to media properties. It means that it’s guaranteed to sell – that is, it’s something that can be relied upon to put money in the bank. Final Fantasy, Halo, Devil May Cry … EA’s entire sports lineup – these are all bankable properties. These series don’t HAVE bad games, and even if they do the games sell anyway.

XChange 1 – being, for a long time, their cheapest game (and also one of if not THE first game ever localized by PP – was for a VERY long time the single best selling title they ever released. This meant a lot of people played it, and so the series has an established fanbase.

Furthermore, the other games in the series have all sold strongly. Well, I can’t speak to Yin Yang directly, but 2 and 3 both sold well. People just like the XChange series. It consistently sells.

So, given that XChange is PP’s most reliably moneymaking series … In my book, all you need to know about Yin Yang 2 is it’s “the next XChange game” to know that it’s coming over. Unless Yin-yang 1 was a positively awful game, so awful it killed any believable sequel, then Yin-Yang 2 is coming over. And we know YY1 wasn’t awful. (I haven’t played it yet myself, but I’ve heard.)

You sure about that? I know it wasn’t the first PP game I played, but it was the second (and it was bad). I was pretty sure either Snow Drop or Water Closet had come out first.

Heh… bankable is right. But on the other hand, titles like these are budgeted in the millions. Each new Final Fantasy has the price tag of a Hollywood movie, Devil May Cry 4 has been rumored to be a serious drain on Capcom’s resources (although the return is expect to make up for it), and EA pays out the ying-yang for sport team licenses.

I doubt there’s a single eroge out there, that matches a mere 10% of the production costs for those beasts. :slight_smile:

Not 100% sure, because it was a month after the release of “Water Closet” when I finally became aware of PeaPri’s existence.
I just deduced the release-sequence before that from the product-code.
However, I think that rule works pretty well - except a few Will-games, that were delayed due to certain circumstances, so it should at least work for a CROWD-game like X-Change… :wink:

Yeah, by the time I was aware of PP’s existence they already had some titles out. Actually, no wait – I think when I came in, Snow Drop had just been released; I remember thinking to myself it was a good thing I got SD before I got XC1, or I might have been turned off for good.

So I think XC1 was before SD (otherwise this memory wouldn’t make any sense) but I can’t be sure.

I hope that they translate Maken Shoujo Envy . It’s an RPG by Zyx, and they seem to translate most of Zyx’s stuff so the odds might be good on this one.

lol why does it cost $95, I mean that’s a little ridiculous.

Given the record-breaking sales for Brave Soul I’d say an RPG of the same vein would also sell well (since Brave Soul 2 doesn’t and at this point almost certainly won’t exist). Of course from I read it was also one of the more difficult games to translate…but it did pay off. RPGs and similar games will by their nature be harder to translate, but are also, if they are descent quality, better money-makers as they have a wider appeal than graphic novels.

[ 12-13-2007, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]


Yes it is, but right now it’s an import from the other side of the planet so unless it’s picked up by a local distributer there’s not a lot that can be done about the expense.

More like [Liar soft] Šq‰Š‚̃Cƒ"ƒKƒmƒbƒN`What a beautiful people- (Sekien no Inganock)
Best liar game imo :smiley:

you want a Yuri game :stuck_out_tongue:
Not my cup of thea though but if your searching for more you have Flyingshine’s NOEL

[ 12-21-2007, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Bento ]

Darn. Wrong button gaarh. Gomen nasai >///<

[ 12-21-2007, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Bento ]

I know this is a long shot but what about any one of the Sister Princess games? I can’t remember if any were released for PC but I think there was one at least. Someone correct me please?

Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (ŽÔ-ւ̍‘AŒü"úˆ¨‚̏­-)

I think this concept sounds extremely interesting. The game got good reviews, but wasn’t an especially strong seller. I’d love to see it translated.

I just love the games Bible Black and Discipline
and a lot of my friends do too.
The artwork is fantastic, the themes of those games
are rather mature and dramatic while there is
always a lot of great and varied CGs to be found.

I’m looking forward to more games like that. :slight_smile: