What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

That’s not the one I’m talking about. He made one to try and ban all porn. Also I think we should get back on topic.

[ 12-05-2007, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Could you point me to the law in question? I went to the White House site, and I can’t find it (even laws that don’t pass, are listed there). I know Bush isn’t the brightest politician in the world, but it’s impossible to ban all porn. The Court made such a ruling loooooong before he came to office. :slight_smile:

The only thing Bush has done (at least worth mentioning) is force porn companies into registering various things, a few odds and ends on S&M definition, and making the text in the Protect Act so obscure it drifts into loli artwork (which was done on purpose).

I don’t recall anything about a blanket porn law. :eek:

Here’s the stuff that pertains in the upcoming case:

Further definition of what is “realistic virtual children” is being argued in this case. Sure… 2D might not be counted… but what about something 3D. The lineup from Illusion for example.

[ 12-05-2007, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Well we should all support loli artwork with the current laws we have now, which means, like any other porn, you must be the appropriate age to legally view it.

It’s hard to know how this will swing with the 2 new justices. Both are religious, both do not believe in over-broad government and atleast Justice O’Conar has said he acknowledges president, though Judge Eliot’s statements have been more vague.

However…i’m not even sure if this case would apply to most anime loli which is clearly not trying to depict “…computer-generated images of realistic children.” If the supreme court does reverse the Appel Court’s descion, which is one of the more conservative (though not as much as the 4th) and the Supreme Court hasn’t overturned a ruling by the 11th in the past several years and many of those aren’t close. If they were to overturn it though, I would forsee loli images such as those in anime being brought up as not being ‘realisitic’.

So just make you support those fighting for loli.

[ 12-05-2007, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

I think that’s the real issue though… what is “realistic” in this interpretation? I mean Mickey Mouse screwing Minnie Mouse is less realistic than He-Man screwing She-Ra. But both are still porn.

How “real” does realistic have to be? This isn’t defined at all. Japanese anime tends to get a break, because of the eyes and physical proportions… but that could change if the “interpreter of the law” thinks anime is realistic enough. Of course 3D is a whole new realm.

How vague can porn laws be? I think that’s what’s really at stake here.

And to be honest… the law makes liberal use of combining porn laws with child abuse laws. Murder in the movies or in comic books, is not defined with murder in real life.

I’m all for protecting children: I’m totally against sneaky shit like this.

In France, “realistic” is defined as “you cannot distinguished it from reality”. In other words, as long as one can look at the picture and tell “Hey, this not an actual human child”, it’s not realistic and out of the child porn laws reach. According to this, IllusionSoft’s games are out of the loop since the characters portrayed are obviously not actual, real children.

Pictures are always 2D; the projection of a 3D object on a plane is 2D, not 3. Even if you curve the plane. >_<
Holograms are 3D; pictures on your screen are 2D.

[ 12-05-2007, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

Well I believe as long as it’s 2D and not realistic I doubt it’ll ever be made illegal. But seriously we should get back on topic, before a mod comes in here and lays the smackdown on us.

True enough. And I agree. But does “Bible Belt America” agree with that? People still argue about stuff less controversial than loli cartoons in the US…

It’s not really the focus of how “real” the 3D game is - just that the 3D game can be interpreted as more “realistic” given the application of physics, shading, and depth perception. People always comment how “real” the latest EA Madden title is… and while eroge has gotten that good graphically, there will come a time when the price to make it as such, will eventually arrive.

Which is a good thing honestly. :smiley:

Generally what I’m saying is: some Americans are really dumb when it comes to “regulating” porn (but I won’t say which :stuck_out_tongue: ), and such things only give them more ammo to bamboozle other sheep.

I don’t think a mod will shut us down. We’re not doing anything illegal… yet… :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 12-05-2007, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Off-topic shouldn’t be approved though…
Going in-topic, I’d wish PP to translate… errr… the game I’d really want to be released in English is… Oh, yeah, all the ¬Åu¬Ç¬´¬Ç√°¬Ç√±¬Ç¬´¬Ç√°¬Ç√±¬Éo¬Éj¬Å[¬Åv games that weren’t remade in Windows because I don’t own a PC9801, FM-TOWNS or X68000 computer!

Got some good news for you, got to these links:



Looks like the patch will be ready soon too, so I’d reccomend getting the game ASAP.

Anyway, to get back on topic, I think I’ll list some games from Will so as to wish for what’s actually possible right now:

The first is this new game from ruf that looks interesting. It seems to have some mystery elements and since I think there should be more mystery themed games besides Chain out…
Anyway, the game is called Tsukutori, and here’s a link to it:



This game from Hermit looks nice:






This game called Bullet Butlers from propeller looks nice too:



This too:






America+Japan+England+Ka-nee-dah (but Quebec isn’t a French overseas region :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :


Well you obviously live in the Nation of Europe. And everything that’s not Japan in Asia is China. There’s also Iraqistan and Mexicuba. The rest of the planet is known as the Third World - CNN says it all the time (that place with kangaroos is an island of Europe). :slight_smile:

However there is Princess Maker 4… although we’ve beaten that dead horse into a mound of fleshy paste. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 12-06-2007, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Then you have Africa generally as 2 nations…South Africa for all of southern Africa and Egypt for nothern Africa.

Most US perople do realize Isreal is it’s own seperate country, but some also see it as a US territory (and outside the US in the Muslim world this is often the case). Australia owns all of SEA that China doesn’t. South America is just an extension of the Mexicuba.

Well it’s called the State of Israel… so I think it joined the Union at some point. :smiley:

Well they do know it’s not the same as those Muslim infedels >_> And they atleast have vague ideas where Irad and Iran are, though like you kind of played on, a lot of people merge them.

And actually a lot of people mix China and Japan as well even if they know they are separate entities.

You realize that it’s all politicians that aren’t Liberterian that pretty much target porn and gaming in the US, right?

Heck, Senator Hillary Clinton was calling for the Wii to be put into its own class of regulation and be watched constantly, to the full extent of the harshest laws they could craft, because, and I kid you not, “due to its motion sensor control, it actually teaches children to kill, rape, and murder by stealth”. Senator Joe Liberman was all full steam ahead on that, plus the other usual suspects were ready to jump on the “ban all games that include any sort of objectionable action or images on the Wii” train.

The Congressional leaders like targetting games and porn, because those are soft targets. It makes them look like they are defending children, women, and families/family values. It’s not like there is a large gaming or porn lobby they have to worry about offending. Although the biggest gaming companies are finally getting around applying the power of their dollars.

Face it— if the US Supreme Court justices didn’t like looking at their porn, porn of all forms would have been contraband since the first politicians got into office. Thankfully, they aren’t elected, so they don’t have to do that “do as I say, and not as I do” dance that politicians do.

As for what I’d like to see translated? I’m fairly easy to please. A nice deep story would be great— but even a sex romp is ok by me. If it is a unique sub-genre (tactical, RPG, whatever)? EVEN BETTER! SUPER BONUS!! :smiley: Go Go Peach Princess!

[ 12-06-2007, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: Darkstar ]

A lot of people seem to be in a State of Confusion all too often :wink:

Not to be rude or any thing, but you guys are getting a little OT here. :slight_smile:

I started it lol but I tried to stop it. And get back on topic. >_< I want them to translate Yin-Yang X-Change Alternative 2. I really enjoyed the first one.

[ 12-07-2007, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

This will lead right into the lolita disussion that has been going on but which I haven’t had time to read but I would love to see popotan translated. I’m sure I would have to wait for a cold day in hell for that to happen though.

However any of the games where you move around more, rather than just choose choices from menus would be great.