What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

Originally posted by Baldo:
[b]However, if I remember correctly, A FEW of those images were pretty… avant-garde :smiley:

Just curious Narg-san, butdo you know of any sites where I can buy this game at? I haven’t found it at Himeya or Palet, but then again Palet is hard to navigate so I can’t say for sure about that.

Anyway, I myself am still hoping for Cartagura and Pianissimo from Innocent Grey. I’d really like another good mystery genre type game. Of course, I’m also praying constantly for the Black Cyc games to be licensed (just finished Mayu and Mana’s route for MDB, which I enjoyed (though damn, I feel sorry for Arisa…).

We can only hope…after all it’s perfectly legal.

Yeah… with Giant Panda gone, and the fact that the game is kinda old, a lot of importers have been “cleaning stock” and not carrying it anymore.

Here are places that once sold them… not sure if you know and/or have the willingness to use them. If you can use these sources, they are MUCH cheaper than Himyea. I noted that a few of these are dead links now. :frowning:

If you can’t use them, then you’ll have to contact Himeya or another importer like them, and use their special order option… which isn’t bad… just a bit more costly. Here is the info you’ll need to do that.

Category of your request item: Adult Windows JP

Maker of your request item: ‘åŒF"L (Giant Panda)

Name of your request item: ‚Ó‚½‚è‚łЂƂ‚Ì-öS (Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro)

Last I heard, Himeya still charges over $60 for a box. Amazon Japan sells it for about $45 or so… but they won’t ship it outside Japan. :frowning:

Another option - and one I prefer - is to kidnap Peter and hold him ransom until Lamuness and Shingo negotiate an English version. While he’s in captivity, we can “convert” him to the Faith of Two and show him the error of his ways. :smiley:

[ 11-29-2007, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Wow, if your spoilers are true, kudos to the storywriter for creating something so good from such a… original :wink: , in my opinion).

Personally, I’m pretty sure that Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro will become a downloadable game in the (Near or far? This is the problem) future…

Originally posted by Baldo:
[b]Wow, if your spoilers are true, kudos to the storywriter for creating something so good from such a… original :slight_smile:

I also think ¬è¬â¬ñ√©¬å¬£¬è√£ was a good title from them too. Hime is quite the active “broken girl” isn’t she? Look out for that cast attack! :smiley:

I may buy this game then. Kamifusen probably has copies…

Now you will join the Brotherhood and become a Follower of the Teachings of Two! :wink:

In all seriousness though: the full unedited prologue to the game, can be downloaded from the site. Doesn’t really get into the deep character interaction, but it does set the tone:


Were they part of VisualArt - in that their paychecks came from that parent company - or were they a group affiliated with VisualArts, in that they only used them as a contract resource. There’s a marked difference… and honestly I’ve always held the notion that they were affiliated, given the “thank you to” mentions they’ve used in their ending credits. Usually when you’re a subdivision these “thank you” things aren’t mentioned like that… instead mentioning the parent company for “production” credits.

Of course the breakup of the company/division doesn’t mean the people involved are out of work - indeed the most successful and talented always get picked up by another studio… or found a new one - but Giant Panda itself is certainly not active. Also the Giant Panda lineup is no longer in print; and “major stores” like Softmap no longer restock them - nor can they get more once the local inventory is gone. So they’re not making new profit with their titles anymore (unless they go download)… which is not a “subdivision” trait either. However don’t get me wrong: I’d love nothing more than to know Giant Panda is only “asleep” and not dead. Plus it makes it easier for Peach Princess to contact them after Operation: Convert Peter takes effect. :wink:

[ 11-29-2007, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Well you could be right… I mean the game uses Clannad’s writer… AIR’s music composer… the voice acting talent is from VisualArt’s regular stock. That’s a lot of “hookup” and whatnot. More than normal at least…

I’ll do some more poking around with who currently owns the site URL, title IP rights, and try to find any public VisualArts forecasts and announcements concerning it all. :slight_smile:

What I’ve gathered thus far: Giant Panda was founded in 2000. Earliest VisualArt’s press release I can find that mentions the group together, is dated in 2001… which is way too close to be coincidence, since Giant Panda didn’t have a name for themselves at the time. Also Giant Panda has been using VisualArt’s resources since the beginning. However checking around the Internets, Giant Panda’s online resources are not hosted on the same network as VisualArt’s. Totally different service provider… and the URL’s aren’t registered alike. Title announcements were also handled through different channels.

Interesting… Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro has a page, which shares the same network as VisualArt’s:


However it eventually refers back to the Giant Panda server. As another neat point: the Giant Panda site refers to this network on their own site, for finding places to by the game.

If nothing else, VisualArt’s was also a major distribution resource for Futari. Although if they had so big a hand in the production, it makes sense they’d at least give a nudge here or there. Still didn’t help the title from not succeeding though. :frowning:

From the listings I could get on hand immediately: IP rights for Futari are connected to Giant Panda and not VisualArt’s. Doesn’t mean much though… I mean Maxis owns the IP to The Sims… but they’re still EA’s little bitch. :stuck_out_tongue:

Offhand it makes me want to think Giant Panda could be an independent venture of someone connected to VisualArt’s… perhaps a side project… or a “fake cover” for alternative/experimental titles that VisualArt’s didn’t want tied to their label for whatever reason they have (like how Konami used to also be Ultra Games waaaay back in the 8-bit NES era).

I’d need more time to get better and more reliable information… this weekend perhaps.

[ 11-29-2007, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

If the Japanese won’t take her, I will. :smiley:


Can you believe them!? Not moe!? Who needs moe when you’ve got a body like that!? :smiley:

Your friend,


[ 12-04-2007, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Anything that’s decent with Loli in it.

…But Peapri is a business, and radical policies are bad for business, unfortunately :frowning: :smiley: , she would a nice addition to your satellite booth :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

hey if you wanna get techincal about it, its all just text, so if they get an extreme loli game and say all the chars are 18, the american public will accept it!

That’s what I said: she’s 18. If the manual says so, then it must true. :slight_smile:

Yeah, me too I would like to see certain games uncensored and translated, but Peapri caters to mani… err, erogamers :o :o :o …

Italy? Switzerland? What are these places you speak of? Every American knows there’s only six nations in the world and only one of them is free - America - which includes those other 13 states that still call themselves “Ka-nee-dah” for some crazy reason, and our overseas territories of Japan and England. :wink:

[ 12-05-2007, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Just so you know loli is still legal the supreme court ruled it protected.

The ruling was (in normal talk):

It wasn’t the Supreme Court… it was a Court of Appeals. Supreme Court case is next year. As for the Appeals verdict:

#1: “Cultural artwork” (i.e. Leonardo/Michelangelo type stuff) depicting loli is totally legal for all ages within reasonable common sense. If you take your 10 year old kid to an established art museum, and there’s a painting from the 1400’s that depicts something loli, you can’t sue the museum or demand that they burn the painting… and the child can see the painting, without cops charging the parents with negligence or something. But of course, you can’t have an ulterior motive for showing the kid that painting… it has to be for “expanding” his mind - not justifying sexing a kid.

#2: Artwork depicting loli (eroge/anime) cannot be defined in the same laws as “real life sexual crimes” - because the events never really happened: it would be like trying to charge actors for murder, because they killed people in a Hollywood action flick - and movie watchers for being an accessory to the crime. :stuck_out_tongue:

fixed a typo

[ 12-05-2007, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

I found a new game I’d like translated that would most likely be very successful here. It’s called Utawarerumono it’s based on the characters from the series. Also bush was trying to ban the porn in a bill he proposed but it got shot down as soon as he mentioned it lol. Oh and thank god Bush will be out of the White House soon. Oh and the next pres is gonna have alot of cleaning up to do after Bush.

[ 12-05-2007, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Sadly, it did pass. :frowning: The Protect Act of 2003:


That’s the law being fought in the Supreme Court next year… and how it applies to “loli artwork”.

Here is the case docket:


[ 12-05-2007, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]