What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

Hmmm… never thought of it from that angle… and it makes a lot of sense, with KM being so quiet on the eroge front: in contrast they’ve been rather active on the OVA license side of things. This is one of the ultra few times I’m hoping that you’re wrong. :wink:

Something of note that has been on my mind: controlled growth.

I’m sure all of us would like for PP to grab every single title they can get their hands on, but there’s a lot of businesses out there, that are folding under because they’ve grown too fast for themselves. Basically the rapid procurement and production costs, suddenly outweigh the incoming profit (overheating as economists say). Of course being totally oblivious to how PP handles its profits, it may not be a factor and I’m just blowing steam (pun!). But hey… I like the company… so watch yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Peach Princess is the successor to Jast USA; it’s basically the same company with a new name, because Jast Japan went under. It’s basically an adjunct of JList. Note that PP is the only company still standing in a long string of companies that were here, and now aren’t.

I don’t think we have to worry about Peach Princess going poof anytime soon.

But hentai ovas and movies are more popular in general. Translations of those popular titles or semi-popular ones, esepcially as many of the h-anime gets translated, but not the games associated with it.

But then, I’d have to disclose i’d like to see Popotan translated.

As long as PP goes on with translation, I’ll be happy :slight_smile:
It’s just that since I don’t speak japanese, there are a lot of interesting games that I will never play…
(yeah I should learn japanese then… but I wonder if the texts in eroge are in Kanji… because I don’t think I could handle to learn the thousand of kanji…)

And just fyi, the fisrt ever visula novel translated in french will be Higarushi no naku koro ni. It’s not an eroge, but it’s quite famous and it will be translated by anima wich is licensing the anime.
I hoipe this will lead to other releases.

To come back to the topic, I wonder if PP would translate non eroge visual novels.
Since Hirameki is dead, who would translate games like never 7, …

Theer are good news and bad news in this regard.
Let me start with the bad ones:
[] Because the games are targeted for an audience that is familiar with Kanji, the text ingames usually utilizes kanji too. Sometimes (particulary in direct speech of a very young character), there are only kana used, but that are just exceptions or rather a means for visually expressing the lacking maturity of that character (because that character hasn’t learned to write the kanjis in school yet, the characeter doesn’t talk in kanji, but kana… ^^;;; ).[/]
[] There are about 2000 kanjis to be learned - if you are talking about the regular formerly-chinese characters that are used in japanese writing. There are more that are not regularly used, but you may encounter them in special texts (for example if the story is in a fantasy setting and delves deep into magical details). Also, not only the single characters are called kanji, but these characters can be put together for giving other meanings. Most of the time, the meanings of these cmpound kanjis can be deduced from the meanings of the single kanjis and the context though… [/][/list]

And now the good ones:
[] Even though there are about 2000 chinese characters to be learned for being really proficient in japanese, you may not need all of them equally. Still, using a japanese wordprocessor while playing for looking up the ones that you haven’t learned yet could be a good idea.[/]
[] There may be games that have furigana in addition to the kanjis. SO far, I only encountered one of them by chance - and even more of a coincidence: this game was in my first ever order of japanese games and I didn’t know about this technical detail beforehand. The game I am talkiong about here was “Gakuen oujousama Kitan” from C’s - and I think it is even still available via dlSite! However, I have yet to learn about another game with furigana.[/]
[] Some games have been made with an english text option - examples that I know are “Gin Iro”, “Destopia” and “Casual Romance Club”. However, here are again bad news included: “Gin Iro” is great in story and graphics, but the english translation is very close to babelfish and “Destopia” is… not recommendable for various reasons among which the quality of the english translation is a significant but not the most important one![/][/list]

Even if Peter and company should ever go for not adult games, I would assume they would start for that another label in order to avoid getting them mixed up with the adult games in the public image.
However, as long as their policy is that they primarily target the adult market, you might be better off starting your own company doing such localizations…

I’m certainly interested in doing non-adult localisations, but a) I’m tied up in business things right now and b) Since I cannot speak or read Japanese, I’m going to have to find a translator to even be able to start negotiations. Which is a pain, as part of my current being-tied-up problems have to do with trying to negotiate with a foreign-language company for different reasons. :wink:

You know, if we’re mentioning non-H games, I wouldn’t mind having an Ever 17 license rescue…

I’d love to see Ever 17’s license picked up, and perhaps a patch put out to fix some of it’s more glaring typo’s. Though as much as I love this title, I doubt it will happen if you consider the recent price drop on it.

hmmm. I got another one but I guess it’s impossible T__T
Dies Irae -Also sprach Zarathustra-
Win + Awesome sauce. A very good game. People shouldn’t listen to erogamescape! Spoiled I say! >///<

You played it too? :smiley:

That’s what I’ve been screaming about everywhere I go… although my rant on the thread didn’t make it 100% intact with the forum move.

Dies Irae is one hell of a fine game. Out-freaking-kickass-standing. 8)

Anti-Dies Irae whiners need to stuff it. They got pure excellence!

I’m playing it right for a while now :]
I just love games with action. This one was my most anticipated games and I was glad it
didn’t disappoint like other games. So far it’s all good. Screw the haters. This game is WAY to unappreciated!
It just breaks my heart to see the score 60 on erogamscape…erogamescape keeps on delivering failures. I don’t trust the scores at all.
heh. I hope they will release a fandisk for this. The apology note seems to hint that. :mrgreen:

Heheh. This game made me realize that I have an uniform fetish. (I want to wear one!) :oops:
[size=50](men in uniform hee. I’m still a healthy fangirl at heart)[/size]
This is Truly the best Light game I have and played imo. (Bluelight Magic, Lagnalock, R.U.R.U.R)
It will take a while to see such an epic game (with a similar Character cast) like this again…sigh~

btw. Nargrakhan, are you going to write a review for “Dies Irae”? That would be awesome if you did >__<
Show to people how good it is and that the others are just spoiled! :x

Yes I am. I plan to review it. :slight_smile:

In case you didn’t know (although I assume you do), there’s a major hate movement against Dies Irae. The false low scores are an attack against Light and an attempt to reduce sales:

http://heiseidemocracy.com/2007/12/28/e … irae-flaws

Not one of Japan’s finer moments. :evil:

The game is gold and is one of the best releases in 2007 (I only like Gun-Katana more). The hate is stupid.

Well you seem to forget that the companies may also turn out the games without the H-scenes. Remember “Shuffle! On the stage”? (bleh, the new theme song sucked compared to the old one) That game was simply Shuffle with no h-scenes and the ability to court Kareha and Mayumi. It may not be as well known but it definitely did not detract from the show.

I have no qualms with that.

We discussed the matter Narg. I don’t think “the hate is stupid” but rather justified.

Actually it does. But delving too much into that would be a spoiler.

Deep game. Solid plot. Great characters. Awesome action. Etc, etc, etc. So long as you stay away from the “2chan-tainted”, most people who have played the game will tell you its REALLY damn good.

I still say the hate is stupid. :stuck_out_tongue: But maybe “stupid” too strong an adjective… overblown probably fits better in this case: especially since the score for it keeps falling on sites like Erogamescape, due to people dumping “0” as a score for everything. :roll:

Actually it does. But delving too much into that would be a spoiler.

Deep game. Solid plot. Great characters. Awesome action. Etc, etc, etc. So long as you stay away from the “2chan-tainted”, most people who have played the game will tell you its REALLY damn good.

I still say the hate is stupid. :stuck_out_tongue: But maybe “stupid” too strong an adjective… “overblown” probably fits better in this case: especially since the score for it keeps falling on sites like Erogamescape, due to people dumping “0” as a score for everything. :roll:

Title: _summer
Company: HOOK
Release Date: 12/21/2007 (Renewal Version)
Getchu Link
Plot: Takumi Kaizu is a normal high school student enjoying his final year in school with the rest of his friends. Over the years, he has made good memories with these friends of his, most of whom are girls, though apparently still have no overt feelings of attraction towards any of them. When asked by his best male friend Osamu Funada if he likes anyone, Takumi starts to think about it though is still confused on what to do next. With his last summer in high school quickly approaching, Takumi decides to find someone to like by the end of summer vacation. (Summary taken from Wikipedia)

My Comments: Now that we have a Fuyuge licenced, let’s get a Natsuge! Since Air is obviously out of the question, _summer is my second choice.

Title: ??? (Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni)
Company: Purple Software
Release Date: 11/30/2007
Getchu Link
Plot: There is an island surrounded by sea, and there is a big forest in the middle of the island. Shuji, a high school student, has just moved back to the island. Though, he faces various happenings and unexpected meetings, he somehow enjoys his life there. One day, he remembers a local legend… (Summary taken from HimeyaShop.com)

My Comments: This is the only one of the games I’m listing that I’ve actually played, although only a tiny bit. What I did play really impressed me. The characters were lots of fun, the graphics were excellent, and the story was both humorous and hinted at greater depth to come.

Title: ??? (Itsuka Todoku, Ano Sora Ni)
Company: Lump of Sugar
Release Date: 1/26/2007
Getchu Link
Plot: In this town, there are “clouds” covering the nightsky, which the starlight won’t even pierce. Because of this, constellations would be too far.
Born and raised in the Tatsumi noble family, Saku has failed to meet the expectations that lie on every male member of the family.
One day, he receives word from his strict grandfather “to live life the way he wishes.” Estranged by his family, Saku travels to the estate of Kuumeishi, a town that has never seen the stars.
He went without hardly making sure of the details of arrangements for a wedding… (Summary taken from VNDB.org)

My Comments: A darker title that I’m actually interested in! Plus, it has twins for Narg. :wink:

Title: ??? (Moshimo Ashita ga Hare Naraba)
Company: Palet
Release Date: 2/24/06
Getchu Link
Plot: To Hatoba Kazuki, Nonosaki Akiho had been an irreplaceable being. For as far as when she and her sister, after the loss of their parents, were taken in long ago, she had taken the role of his big sister, his mother, his sweetheart. To him, the loss of her figure meant the world had crumbled down, for him who had managed to gather up courage and confess, days before summer break.
A couple of months later, as the pain of parting still remained vivid, the ghost of Akiho appears before his eyes, save little for warning. “I still had memories left here”, she said softly, a soft smile attached to her face. (Summary taken from VNDB.org)

My Comments: I’ve heard lots of good things about this title, and the artwork is gorgeous.

Title: ??? (Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo)
Company: AKABEi SOFT2
Release Date: 11/25/2005
Getchu Link
Plot: In this society, those who commit a crime owe a “special obligation” and “special high class people” exist to guide the criminals to rehabilitation. On his way to becoming a “special high class person”, Morita Keniichi returns to his hometown in order to complete his final exam. There he meets three girls bearing the obligations “each day has only 12 hours”, “cannot become an adult”, and “cannot fall in love”. (Summary taken from VNDB.org)

My Comments: Once again, I can’t state how much I want to see this licensed!

I’d buy all of them (exept from the last one because I don’t like the CGs).
Long live to the light ren’ai eroges !

Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni

I really like the looks of this one…holy crap another Tsugumi look alike…