What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

She’s even got a similar personality from the little I’ve played (I’m assuming you’re referring to Saya.)


I can clearly see both moderators shaking their head in commiseration :roll: :cry: , but dreams never die :stuck_out_tongue: !

Gack… WTH?
Immediately imagines nuclear weapons test videos to obliterate the image
I shouldve heeded the warning (:S)

Anyways. I know this might be waaay outdated, so out of print, or just underappreciated, but anyone ever heard or tried this title, may be worthy of considering for translation, haing been my first (Japanese though) eroge…

Title:Welcome to Pia Carrot 3 (Pia ???3)
Company:F&C and F&C 02 (Cocktail Soft)
Classified as a Dating Simulation Game
I have no idea why there are two entries, but i decided to put em both.

The 4th branch of the Pia Carrot restaurant chain has opened but is short of staff, so you and your childhood friend, Sayaka Takai, are called over to help; upon arriving there, you meet the rest of the crew, who are mostly female, and each has a slight problem of their own. For a month, you’ll be helping out in the store’s activities and the girls as well, and delve into the attractive mystery that surrounds them. Who knows, you might even end up in love with one of them - or not?

Sorry if the plot is kind of confusing; i have only rudimentary understanding of Japanese, and had to employ this cool program named JWPce to understand it while playing it.

My Opinion: I can’t really say that this is the best game i’ve played, since i wasnt able to fully get what was going on in the game, it being in Japanese; but i did have some sense of it, and i can say this may be a really good title, if not one of the best datesims i’ve come across. (it even has a secret character/girl O.O which i spent a lot of time to unlock) and with 7 (no, make that 8…) of them to choose, i’d wonder if anyone would’nt at least like it as well.
Or maybe beacause it’s my ‘first impression’ of eroge… ne?

I believe there are some people selling the CD-ROMs for it on eBay, along with the waitresses’ figurines, statues, garage kits and cosplay costume versions of the threee waitress uniforms (Paroparo, Floralmint & Tropical) like the latter two the most ^^ and each uniform has it’s own sets of CG for each character O.O
Go Google for more info ~

P.S. Just to add… Akemi Hasegawa is my, er, favorite of them all (im kind of an assistant manager guy XD)

The girls are cute :slight_smile:

In my dreams I’d like to have The Spirit of Eternity Sword

The Spirit of Eternity Sword 1 : http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=43161

The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2 : http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=387565

Truth to be said, Aselia would be best, as its game system and story are quite good. OTOH, when Seinarukana’s game system is better (because it’s an enhanced version of Aselia’s system, meaning minus the drawbacks), the game fails in the story department. Wonderful for the wargame department, below average for the story department IMO. The heroines are particularly not interesting IMO. Swatty-sama knows I don’t dislike stereotypical characters, but Seinaruka’s really lack appeal. The only one whose got my interest was… a minor one, Thalia. ^^;;;;;
Concept is interesting and detailed, OTOH, even if you’d need the supplemental material (e.g. Comiket-only booklet) to further enjoy it.

Title: ??? (Soshite Ashita no Sekai Yori)
Company: etude
Release Date: 11/22/2007
Getchu Link
Plot: A small island. There is nothing special but the shining sun, clear sea and verdant forests. The main character is Subaru. He is an ordinary high school student. His old friend, Hinata. His English teacher, Asahi. His cousin, Aoba. A new student, Minami. He lives a peaceful life with them. Everyone on the island believes their peaceful life will last forever… Yes, until that day… “A meteor will strike the earth in three months.” A sudden announcement. Only three months left. People get panicked, and they somehow try to keep their cool… What will happen to them in the end…?
(Summary taken from HimeyaShop.com)

My Comments: Ranked #7 in 2channel’s 2007 Top Eroge Poll. This looks absolutely gorgeous, and the premise is original. The reviews I’ve read have all been very positive about the game. (Yes, one of the girls looks loli, but she isn’t. She actually gets teased by the hero about looking loli, despite being 18. :lol: )

A list.

Supposedly, this falls into the same trap as the better received Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no (Soshite was done by one of the same scenario writers). While the backstory might sound exciting, the story’s emphasis is on cliches, character banter, and mundane, slice-of-life scenes.

The import community wasn’t particularly thrilled (no gripping plot that they expected, little emotional impact overall), so there must be quite a clash between the tastes of Japanese and non-Japanese players. Even in mainstream film, Japanese audiences seem to hold a greater appreciation for the mundane than westerners. For instance, Yasujiro Ozu’s dramas often bore the latter, while they’re beautiful portraits of life to the Japanese.

I happen to be a fan of Harukani, so having the same scenario writer is actually a plus for me. I’ve read the reviews, and already know not to expect a rollercoaster-ride of a game. Character interraction and slice-of-life stuff are actually among the things I enjoy most about eroge. Cliches don’t bother me, either, as long as they’re executed well.

I find that my taste tends to be closer to that of the Japanese than Western fans.

It only lists visual novels. Games like Castle Fantasia 2 Renewal will not be listed on such a list ever. Thus the list is incomplete if you’re trying to cite fan-translated Japanese eroge games.

You do realize Castle Fantasia 2 is on that list right? Finished Translations; Commercial; Second one down, just in case you missed it.

http://web.archive.org/web/200702110646 … .com/?p=35

I still don’t understand why no one cared to release a english patch for a fairly nice and FREE h-game from Alicesoft.
Is it not “artistic” enough :stuck_out_tongue: :? ?

Ah okay. Doesn’t list tales of Phantasia though.

Which isn’t a B-game. :lol: I’ll give you one that isn’t listed there, and that’s Kingdom, but I’ve yet to actually find the English patch, I’ve just heard it mentioned.(Anyone that knows where to grab the patch would have my thanks.)

Alicesoft games are slightly harder to patch?

At least for a completely clueless hacker. There are certain things I can do to a game. However, any sort of experimenting with an alicesoft game, even the really ancient ones they’ve put up for free, causes the game to break, sometimes badly enough that it has to be uninstalled/reinstalled. They’ve got some sort of protection going that, while I’m sure it’s not going to stop a dedicated hacker, stops someone like me who has better things to do with her time.

I suspect you need a game that’s either so attractive to a segment of the population that they’re willing to put hard, dedicated work into it, or a game that’s very easy to crunch.

I know there are games that are too popular to be translated (cost too much), but after so many years, wouldn’t it beless expensive to buy the right of games like AIR or Kanon ?

If I had to make a guess, I’d say titles like these are always going to have the “cost vs profit” issue.

The two titles you mentioned still sell quite a few copies (PSP versions were released last year), with Key notoriously wanting over $1 Million dollars for each title. KimiNozo and SHUFFLE! are getting full-priced releases this year, so I’d assume they’re still quite profitable for their respective companies. Then there’s the various versions of F/SN, which have dominated the charts for the last three years and show no signs of stopping.

While the cost of licensing most games goes down with time, the top tier of titles remain expensive because they have brand recognition. Fans of the series will buy a slightly-improved ‘renewal’ version of a game, even if they already own the original. Top titles also get adapted into anime and manga, which increases the franchise’s worth. Adaptions can cause trouble with licensing, because American anime companies don’t want a ‘dirty’ game with the same title as their all-ages anime version on the market (despite the fact that the game is the original. :roll: ) I’m not even going to touch merchandising issues.

Back to the original topic theme, i’d love to see a translation of the Infinity plus pack! :smiley:

I totaly agree with that.

Wasn’t Ever17 a really big success ? (I’m talking about the english release)