What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero … game=12622
http://maniax.dlsite.com/work/=/product … 48686.html

It’s only because of its doujin origin if I’ve missed this one until recently, but rest assured that Saimin Jikken is the BEST mind control-based erogame released since Saiminjutsu 2, and even the mind masters at http://blackrainbow.jp/ have something to learn from this black pearl, centered around a sanctimonious do-gooder and his spiritual growth towards self-realization and glorious splendor in the embrace of the Dark Side 8) :twisted: .
Usually I only play “professional” erogames, but Saimin Jikken is fairly cheap and VERY well done, and its story puts to shame all the related, costly and supposedly professional products I’ve seen lately from Silkys, M no Violet and a few other “professionals” :roll: .
If Peapri starts translating doujinsofts, Saimin Jikken is now my first choice, we DEFINITELY need more games teaching how much easy and profitable Dark Side is (Leave regrets to losers and Jedis, Come to the Dark Side!) :twisted: :lol: .

I want to see the “Princess Maker” games translated.:slight_smile:

Hmmm maybe Jingai Makyou or Demonbane by Nitro+…
What?! They ARE?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, then my next Nitro+ title that I desperately want [and would buy at least 10 copies of…]
“Hello, World.”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFV2MVNjJbY << Demo video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n5tD5U2r8c << Demo video 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6Q3ckuO68s << old OP
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AENDv9hlgmU << new OP

A review : http://yandere.gray7.com/?p=240

Still want Yin-Yang 2 and Three methods to conquer the world.

There’s a lot of games I’d like to see in English, many of them Eushully titles. So because getting one would vastly increase the odds of getting the others…I’d have to settle with Ikusa Megami Zero (War Goddess Zero). With an epic and long action-oriented plot, fairly interesting turn-based battle, and a nice crafting system, it’s a game that I’d expect to appeal to Western gamers. “Get everyone addicted to Eushully titles, and they won’t settle for anything less” is my strategy. :lol:

I find it amusing that a game is named after one of the first things you learn how to do in programming. (For those who don’t know, one of the first things you usually learn how to do is print the message, “Hello world!” to the screen.")

I think that might be the first thing that caught me about the game, having had my share of outputting that statement :lol:
But, after reading a review on the game, it seems quite fitting…
Nitro+'s website flash trailer for “Hello, world.”
(and the following from the review site from previous post)

I don’t know if it’s been mentioned or not, but I would like to see Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de by Minata Soft translated.

With Nitroplus joining, i’m praying that PeaPri will release Phantom Integration for Windows PC, and make it available for download.
Is there any chance that Illusion will release their games under PeaPri banner too? I really eager to see what Rapelay really looks like.

Err… do you understand, if this would happen, it would be a direct slap into the face of those feminist organisations?
And thus a very flashy way of getting exactly the kind of governmental attention that nobody including JAST would want to have?

If you really want to know that game, your best bet would be getting the original!

I would love RapeLay to be localised too, actually. Not that I would play it, either before or after a localisation (I’d probably BUY it like ten times, though).

That said, I can understand why it wouldn’t be in JAST’s best interests to localise the game, but even so, I would really love it to be localised, and publicised. I want to see Rapelay advertisements on highway billboards, Rapelay being advertised on the side of buildings, Rapelay on TV and radio. I’d want it sold in adult shops, specialist stores, video game stores, Christian bookstores etc. It’s not going to happen, but wouldn’t it be awesome if it did?

And then we might be able to show that, statistically, localization of certain games don’t make significant increase of rape or sexual abuse.

Ooops, I’m getting off the topic, sorry. I will keep dreaming for Phantom then.

If such a game is localized, we are going to be screwed over, so technically they do increase the occurrence of rape, just not in the precisely literal sence.

Illusion has gone on the record repeatedly saying they are not interested in official translation of any of their stuff, and considering the recent blowup was directly precipitated by foreign exposure of one of their products*, I’d say there is no chance at all of Illusion games ever being officially translated. Even if the market was huge (which it isn’t) and Illusion was in danger of going out of business, I don’t think they’d cut a deal.

    • It wasn’t the whole reason why everything went to hell in a handbasket, since it wouldn’t have mattered except that the foreign attention hit an already-sore nerve, but it was the precipitating event.

I’m actually surprised Illusion hasn’t banned foreign IPs, honestly. Even I wouldn’t fault them for that.

I’m sure there’s some inside joke they have about hating foreign sales, but not doing a thing to block foreigners to their site… even in the wake of the Equality Now campaign. :stuck_out_tongue:

Currently, I get 403s for their site, but apparently someone in Australia was able to access it.

After doing some digging: that’s because Australia shares the same IP range that Illusion uses. They might block themselves if they block the Land Down Under. Some American IP’s are also in the same range. :slight_smile:

I have no problem accessing Illusion’s site. I live in the US. I have heard that some people aren’t able to access their site though.

Probably on their ISP’s end then. I just accessed it fine.

That’s all subject to whether ownership changes. If it does and the new owners are looking at slim to red margins that foreign exposure might boost, they might not be so hesitant.