What OS do you use for playing bishoujo games?

I use XP Home edition.

Win XP Pro ftw! :smiley:

Till the last year I played on my old machine with Windows 2000. But Sagrara Family and Idols Galore both crashed all the time there I switched to my Laptop with Windows XP Professional.

[ 06-28-2006, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: Boomer ]

Now i have left 9x and Me, and i use Win XP Pro on my new computer.

You traitor!

Not a good thing using OSes noone supports anymore, so please don’t take it too hard :wink:

What do you mean, not a good thing? Just because something is old and/or not supported doesn’t mean it can’t do its job!

What I meean by that is that the games are designed to work with the OSes supported drivers.
F.ex if you’re running Win98 and having troubles with the game crashes and you can’t find a driver that fixes it, 'cause the OS isn’t supported by M$.
If you call their tech support they’ll probably say that you’ve to get a newer version of Windows anyway.
The world is moving forward, and we should too ^^

Not these games. They work fine on Win9x.

Just because the sales people keep telling us that doesn’t mean it’s true. They just want to keep pumping money out of you.

I can see that, but there’s no point in supporting systems that are dead. Despite some people are still using it or thing running fine on them, but as far as I know the Win9x is not even produced any longer.
Sooner or later you’ll be forced to use the new once even if you like it or not. Or simply switch to another OS, but that has its limits.

Please note my argument was not centered around support.

But lack of support of a system is quite a factor for people to switch.

For companies, yes. For individuals, not as much. Tech support sucks in 90% of the cases, and there are always friends or people online that can help if they really need support.

Switching to new versions often makes support more needed than staying with older versions. :slight_smile:

Exactly that’s the problem!

Who else except those companies are supposed to make your new games?

I recall someone who already whined about the new PeaPri-Products not officially supporting Win9x as their platform anymore… :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 06-30-2006, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

No, no, you got it wrong. Just because the OS is the latest doesn’t mean that you have to develop for the latest. Recall that most of the work is done on Macs.

Yes, I whined about GAME support, not OS support. Especially considering that there’s no good reason to stop supporting Win9x when these games don’t require cutting-edge technology.

Also: http://www.mozillazine.org/talkback.html?article=8887#159

We all know that … just just saves the effort to having to develope the game to RUN on earlier versions of Windows … now an Idea that would appeal to many would be like a few games are (when I say few I have only seen a few) have them playable from any DVD player drive… and if it just so happens to be played on a computer… allow to bookmark which some standalone DVD players do have.

I sold out, i had to have a new computer with a more stable and secure OS. And an OS that could run the new games. I have run Win ME since 2001 and Win 95 since 1996. Of these 2 Win 95 was the most stable. Becase i do a lot of my banking and bill payment by the internet i wanted a more secure OS and an OS who will be updated. After July 11th Win 98 and Win Me will be rather dangerous to use. As i said i sold out but you have to move with your time.

Read my post again. Unless it’s some complex program, there is NO EXTRA EFFORT REQUIRED to have the game run on Win9x.

Windows XP is actually a lot less secure. New exploits get announced every two weeks. It keeps getting updated, but it’s not getting any better.

As soon as you rip out IE (which is very easy to do on Win95), use a secure browser, and sit behind a router with a hardware firewall (a MUST for computers with ANY operating system), Win9x is very secure. Why’s that? Because its network support is very limited. There’s not much to exploit, and if your browser isn’t tied into the operating system, it can’t be reached anyway. Also, most of the current exploits out there are targetted at NT-based OSes, against services which aren’t implemented in Win9x.

As I said before, newer isn’t better, and concerning security you’re being LIED to.

In the Windows world, this is a lie fabricated to keep you buying new Windows versions.

ok guys, did you read (or still remember) what i wrote at the beginning of this thread about no fights/discriminating over a particular OS??

so please stop it

…and yes, you too benoit

No way. Are you sure?! (/sarcasm)