What OS do you use for playing bishoujo games?

look, you are the one who started it with “you traitor”

That’s no reason to single me out as if I wouldn’t understand what “everyone” meant.

there’s no reason for you to call anyone “traitor” just because someone decides to move to a newer OS for whatever reason. whether you like it not it’s their decision and therefore none of your business

and i singled you out because you pretty much started it (again, with the “you traitor” post) and then the usual (and expected) fight on OS follows

-I wasn’t 100% serious when I said that.
-There was a reason. He was one of the few ones who had Win9x. He was part of the group.

Which was unnecessary and insulting. What a great way to try to end an argument. Again, I can understand what I read.

[ 07-01-2006, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

I wasn’t 100% serious when I said that.
i think i can say the same for lordneon’s post as well. he is (at least to me) simply asking you to calm down with your traitor comment

look benoit, this is NOT the first time this happened ok? and needless to say for most of the time you are the one who got things heated up on the OS issue. i specifically asked at the beginning of this thread not to start fights or arguments because I KNEW that sooner or later that someone like yourself would butt in and start it.

and look, every post in this thread has been fine up until your “you traitor” post, and then the usual argument happens again. aren’t you tired of this? at least i do.

Which was unnecessary and insulting. What a great way to try to end an argument.

if anything, it’s insulting to ME as a mod to start an argument when i have asked NOT to do it WELL IN ADVANCE. therefore i believe i have the right (and the authority if you want me to be really strict on this), as well as the necessity to end this, even if it’s a mean way.

let me repeat myself and state that this thread is merely a statistical poll as to what people use to play their bishoujo games, NOT a thread to argue which OS is more superior/inferior

got it?

[ 07-01-2006, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

And look where that got you and this thread. Obviously you didn’t think of the consequences of your action.

you know…you are insulting me, as well as peter and peach princess, even further with this comment

by “mean” i meant in a forceful way…despite the fact that i asked relatively nicely a few posts ago but someone just doesn’t get it…

benoit, my patience is seriously thinning of suspending/banning you from this bbs. if you really want to know, you have caused some trouble in the bbs in the past (if you haven’t realized yet) but i have been nice and let it slip, despite quite a few requests/complaints from users (which actually drove some users away permanently from this bbs to be honest). this time i have asked all of you not to start an argument specifically on this thread, and you totally ignored this and dont even act responsible for your actions. do i really have to ask peter to come here and tell you to shut up?

[ 07-02-2006, 09:01 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

If you wouldn’t have insulted me with:

I would have stopped a long time ago. But no, you had to try to step on my toes. Is that so hard to get? I’m not even asking for an apology, just that you recognise that.

I do recognise that I started an argument by mistake with that comment. I should have kept quiet.

Suspend/ban someone because he doesn’t let the admin insult him? That’d be the day.

No, two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because I insulted you with starting an argument here despite the warning doesn’t give you the right to insult me back.

[ 07-02-2006, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

that wasn’t meant as an insult, but a mere reminder to you that you are the one who started it with your “traitor” comment (which is, in my opinion, a bit insulting) in case you haven’t realized at that time. you are singled out so to speak because it’s commonly known on this bbs that you are the “extremeist” on this OS issue and you are the only one here who gets easily heated/tempered on it. EVERY single OS arguments on this bbs has you involved, if it wasn’t started by you in the first place.

if you have taken my statement as an insult for whatever reason, then fine i apologize.

just so you know, my basis on suspending/banning people would be (besides piracy and spamming and asking how to save in brave soul):

  • causing trouble/fights on the forum
  • complaints from multiple users on a reasonable issue
  • not cooperating even after asking them to stop

the only person i have really banned so far is italicus on the vmate issue (but of course re-activated him after the vmate issue was resolved since he has personally told us that he will cooperate from now on). at that time, he satified all of the above conditions for banning. you are getting close in multiple times in the past (but i have been very nice and let it slip…with the consequence of driving a few people out of this place), and very close this time.

despite that, since you do recognize now that you should have kept quiet, then i should not suspend/ban you. however, keep in mind that your quote can be applied to yourself as well:

And look where that got you and this thread. Obviously you didn’t think of the consequences of your action.

i wouldn’t be so mean if you didn’t started it, so you have (partly) yourself to blame for all this. keep in mind of the fact that i am sure most people here are probably getting sick and tired of arguing with you on the OS issue so please just drop this

i know i shouldn’t go into this further but with a final note, please do not forget about a thread that you personally made a few years ago somewhere in the off-topic forum (i wont say which one in particular because it will be very insulting to you on my part but i think you know which one i am talking about). please try to be considerate and respectful to others on this board because only then will others, myself included, will do the same to you.

So how do you save on BS?

j/k i know how.


[ 07-02-2006, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

I think we all know how to save in BS.

…not to some people who cannot access their manual for whatever reason

and now lets leave it at that before getting too off-topic here

Agreed :slight_smile:

I have Windows XP Media Center, which I was told was between home and pro, so I choose pro.
I use to use ME which I liked, this XP is a bear to manage.

Which is quite a shame. If there’s one thing people shouldn’t be ignorant about when purchasing, it’s a computer. It’s not hard either, all you gotta do is got to some techie site and ask around a little. Ah, when will people learn.

Most gamers I know buy a computer based on the hardware rather than software, and the higher spec systems tend to come with Pro over Home.

All the big games run on Windows, so its really the video, DVD burner speed, and network card that drive their purchases.

I suppose that has some influence on the poll… or maybe not…

Since it has nothing to do with twincest (unless we’re talking dual core processors), I’m not as focused on the matter. :stuck_out_tongue:

I use gentoo linux in combination with wine and vmware.I can get most games working with this combination but it would be nice to see some linux native games, although I guess that is up to the parent companies rather than PP.

For computers that’s certainly true, but for consoles it’s not. It’s specifically because for computers its generally always better to have more powerful hardware than not (not always, but that is the norm). You can also upgrade computers fairly easily. This makes software driver better hardware and why most pc gamers want better hardware (that and most are more worried about eye-candy over good gameplay. If it doesn’t have 3D graphics it gets railed on like there’s no tomorrow).

Console gamers don’t (for the most part) have the upgradable option and major titles are usually exclusive (Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Halo2, Zelda, etc.). If you’re a person who doesn’t like buying multiple consoles, software titles become more important than hardware of the machine (why ps2 still outsold the Xbox, DS outsells the PSP, and Wii is expected to do atleast better than Xbox360, if not the ps3).

Never liked anything but pro versions of any OS/software. If I can get Pro, I sure will!

I voted XP Pro too, though it didn’t come with my computer. I prefer it for the stability. Hyperion Pro also helps boost performance a little, especially for games. And I’m a game modder (HL2, Vampire: The Masquerade {both games}, Dungeon Siege {both games), etc.).