What we'd like to see in the next releases

I’d like a good drama or romance game with older characters, something Like Secret Wives Club but with more story. Usually the most we get is one older woman amongst a cast of teenage girls, and to illustrate their age they’re invariably, um, overendowed :shock:

I don’t want to see a super [color=#FF0000]L[/color]ong common r[color=#FF0000]O[/color]ute (KK, Kirakira)
I’d prefer a VN which direct[color=#FF0000]L[/color]y bifurcates to a specif[color=#FF0000]I[/color]c girl’s path (Crescendo YMK).

I see what you did there.

Because it’s a well known fact that women’s breast grow larger as they age past their late teens. Sort of like rats.

…At least in ero-land.

Well, it’s probably true to an extent… because as people age they tend to put on weight, which tends to make the boobs bigger, and as they get older they sag more, but… yes, it is weird how the Mature Woman in hentai games is so carbon-copy. :slight_smile:

Is there a mature woman character in eroge that doesn’t fit this stereotype? The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Misato from Snow Sakura because she seems to be physically diminutive, at least compared to Misaki. It could be that I just perceive her that way though. I haven’t actually completed her path yet to be absolutely sure.

I’d say loli, but it’s pretty clear that Satan will be making snow angels on the banks of the River Styx before JAST tries bringing one of those over. Other than that:

  • incest, preferably where no one suddenly turns out to be adopted. Twincest would be ideal.
  • yuri
  • something with more simulation elements, in the vein of True Love

Umm… more robot girls and cross dressing maybe.

hmm only girl game? sound good :slight_smile:

My friend, meet Sakura Nanako, the only ‘mature woman’ character you will EVER. NEED.

If they made a game with all ‘older woman’ characters like Nanako, I’d play it for sure.

I dunno, most of the good stuff is already translated. This only really leaves Saihate no IMA, and I don’t see JAST translating that, do you? =P

No, but it’s Tanaka Romio, so it must be translated eventually no matter what obstacles come in the way. Tanaka Romio is a god. His religion should be spread around the world.

More stuff~~

-More yaoi and otome games. And I don’t mean stuff like Enzai and Zettai Fukuju. ZF was a shitty nukige with little value. While Enzai had a story, it was nukige-ish and had shota. (not that I mind, but I doubt JAST likes that now :P) Something with an actual story or better H-scenes should be translated.
-Little to no sex romps. Most of these suck and I’m tired of seeing them make up over half the catalog. That is, unless there is…
-Spanking! There is a distressing lack of this in English-translated eroge. We need it. It is so much better than twincest and makes the world happier.

I generally stay away from the “older woman” characters with a passion, but she doesn’t look bad. (By the way, I once told a woman about this preference. She was rather irritated when I told her “late twenties” is generally considered “older” in this genre. Come to think of it, she stopped coming over too…)

Smooth, Casanova. Smooth =P
Oh well, she was 3D anyway. No loss.

Thank you for the suggestion, Lancer. Seems like ErogeShop is selling it, but at full price though. :frowning: I’ll put it on my wish list for now. Is there an English translation patch out for it somewhere?

There are several second-hand copies of the first edition available on paletweb - no translation patch though.

Sakura Sakura is rather good overall, but it’s a bit inconsistent and in places the pacing is on the slow side. The individual stories are a bit weak as well, but they are more than made up for though by the characters (not just Nanako - all the heroines and the male sub-characters are great too and the seiyuu do an outstanding job), the atmosphere of the dorm and the general production quality.

Talking about eroges with older woman, i think that’s what we need… more eroges with older women.

I think there’s too much eroges with highschoolgirls who are “supposed to be” 18 y.o. or older! :lol:

Other thing i’d like to see more in eroges are Older male protagonists. I mean, males protagonists who are at least older than highschool boys.

And of course, Elves! :smiley: Better yet, fantasy elements, with or without RPG.

And i want to see more Mistery, too! :roll:

and low sexual content

I completely agree with you. Older women with a confident personality and an overactive sex drive is nice.

Perhaps a change in the setting would solve this. Maybe have it take place at a college or a workplace such as a office-type environment.

I’d like to see some more tsundere type characters, personally. Older twin tsundere sisters at the extreme end of the spectrum, please. :smiley:

Oh lookie… romantic vampire stories are popular again. :slight_smile:

http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/books/1 … index.html

So where’s the vampire themed eroge? Capitalize on a market trend when it’s hot! Besides… vampires never go out of style. :slight_smile:

Maybe this could help convince the people of Black Cyc to give an english release of MinDead another chance (not likely but I’ll take even a tiny sliver of hope).