X-Change Remake in works

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, I think that if he thinks that dokusen is har don the girls, then how can he even think about Slave Bazaar? Or have he seen nothing of the dark scenarios of the girls at all?

You have got a point. It is a bit curious. I think it's a safe assumption that there is some other factor; that Peter thinks Slave Bazaar is dark as well, but there are other mitigating factors causing him to consider the game "worth the effort". This probably means he thinks Slave Bazaar is the better of the two.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
XD. Wakatta, wakatta. But actually, just because that Langamor focus on a... specific theme that might not be too popular with some of us hre (;p), it doesn't mean that their games are bad. Also, didn't Peter claim that he'd throught on releasing such game here anyway? Then it's not impossible that however much some of us may dislike or disapprove of it, we may still se Langmaor's games here.

Hm. Could you elaborate for those of us who do NOT speak Japanese yet and have no knowledge of Langmaor?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Hm. Could you elaborate for those of us who do NOT speak Japanese yet and have no knowledge of Langmaor?

Langmaor is Will's label that has a lot of Shounen-ai (M/M-pairings) in their game's storylines.

So, it would indeed (as Spec hinted) comply with Peters question about how people here would be interested in such games.

Looks like Crowd’s next X-Change game isn’t going to be a remake after all…


…then again, it looks like X-Change 1+2 R are going to be released before Yin Yang :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks like they’re redoing the CGs to be in higher res (ala Sakura Taisen), adding in a new character or two…as well as appropriate changes to the scenario to reflect that.

Originally posted by Ex-S Woo:
Looks like Crowd's next X-Change game isn't going to be a remake after all...


O_o!!!!! So, this is a brand new XC game with new characters and all (no Takuya)!?
So, that means that this is the new XC generation...? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
You have got a point. It is a bit curious. I think it's a safe assumption that there is some other factor; that Peter thinks Slave Bazaar is dark as well, but there are other mitigating factors causing him to consider the game "worth the effort". This probably means he thinks Slave Bazaar is the better of the two.

Well, having played both of those myself, i dunno ifI can agree.. true, in some aspects, SB amt be better since the scenarios of the girls all varies much and may lead you into different adventures...
However, Dokusen gas the multi-scenario/view thing which has to be considered a strong point. Also, Slave Bazaar is an ADV/SIM mcuh like Gibo while Dokusen is more of a SIM in the case of the girl's scenarios. Bah, but that's only my very humbe opinion [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. But indeed, I would like to know exactly what, if it is purely about he story,it is that Peter sees as far more great than what dokusen could offer...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
So, this is a brand new XC game with new characters and all (no Takuya)!?
So, that means that this is the new XC generation...? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Well, that are only sketches, but from those, I'd say that we'd better leave Kaoru being a girl. His male appearance looks too mean to deserve being returned to its original state, while his female appearance looks pretty cute and cheerful... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Oh, and don't you think that Saya looks a bit like Motoko? And doesn't Miu also remind you of Shinobu?
Of course, Naru is missing because she already has to play Asuka in the original XC-series... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But indeed, I would like to know exactly what, if it is purely about he story,it is that Peter sees as far more great than what dokusen could offer...

Perhaps the historically researched background in SB? Just remeber how amazed you were of that when we played Myia's scenario for the first time!

However, I have never heard (besides your current discussion) that either of them has a currently even a slight chance of a localization.

I only recall Lamuness telling about half a year ago that none of them had at that time a chance because

  • of Slave Bazaar was made by a third-party-company
  • Dokusen was never even taken into closer consideration by the current PeaPri-staff.

So, where do the new rumors about Slave Bazaar now come from? IRC again?

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 07-14-2004).]

sheesh, what the f*ck is with these rumors

spec, STOP IT!

Originally posted by Lamuness:
sheesh, what the f*ck is with these rumors

spec, STOP IT!

??? If it is about Slave Bazaar, I'm only purely speculating here.

then maybe i should redirect my words…

unicorn, dont believe a single word spec says from now on, they are NOT reliable

Ah, Crowd finally updated the site with both games… Xchange alternative is a fresh approach with different lead character other than Takuya but different character design is kinda let down -- I guess we will just have to see how they will go with the game.

It’s also surprising that they are remaking Xchange 2 as well @@ While 1 does need a remake perhaps due to lack of voice and all, but 2 was pretty much decent game itself currently. 2 doesn’t look that much different graphic wise but it says it will have Takuya’s sister (she wasn’t active character in 2) and a new route so let’s see how that will come out story wise. 1 will have a new character, wonder who can it be…?

Well, now the ultimate question will be that what will PP’s stance on these new Xchange series ^^; I know Peter said they will bring Xchange 3 over here but not there are 3 more of them coming out and 2 of them being remakes :b And if you think about it, there was no remake game came out in US so far.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Oh, and don't you think that Saya looks a bit like Motoko? And doesn't Miu also remind you of Shinobu?
Of course, Naru is missing because she already has to play Asuka in the original XC-series... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Oh, yeah, Saya certainly seem interesting! Wonder if she's as quick to sue her sword as Mokoto, through.. O_o. Not as interested in the Shinobu one, through. Haven't looked that closely on the other chara's yet through.. :/.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Perhaps the historically researched background in SB? Just remeber how amazed you were of that when we played Myia's scenario for the first time!

Hmm, maybe so, the historical thing can IMHO be counted as one strong point of Slave Bazaar...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
However, I have never heard (besides your current discussion) that either of them has a currently even a slight chance of a localization.
So, where do the new rumors about Slave Bazaar now come from? IRC again?

Nah, you misunderstand, I think. no news on renewed hope for neither Slave Bazaar nor Dokusen were made recently, and nothing else regarding them either. What I just quoted were old comments on the subject on this board or elsewhere back when dokusen was still a greatly discussed theme and there was hope for Slave Bazaar. But that was, as you know, long ago. so, no new rumors and no need for an uproar ;p

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 07-14-2004).]

Well…I have to admit that the premise behind Yin Yang sounds a bit more interesting than the regular X-Change serie…

Originally posted by hotsuma:
It's also surprising that they are remaking Xchange 2 as well @_@ While 1 does need a remake perhaps due to lack of voice and all, but 2 was pretty much decent game itself currently. 2 doesn't look that much different graphic wise but it says it will have Takuya's sister (she wasn't active character in 2) and a new route so let's see how that will come out story wise. 1 will have a new character, wonder who can it be...?

Maybe the new character will be Chisato from XC2 who is not heard of until XC2 but was the self-proclaimed rival of, blanking on the name, but she was the previous head of the science club, in XC1 and also makes a sort of guest shot in one of Asuka's endings of XC2.

Not sure if I like the sister coming back, it was kind of nice not to have her in XC2.

As to why, maybe something with the interface, remember most of the controls were always on the screen, maybe they are redoing it so as in the other games about the upper 2/3's of the screen is picture and you have to left click or right click to bring up the control menu to change volume of BGM's, save etc. I wonder with new characters too if they are adding new BGM's.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-14-2004).]

The Art Looks Shitloads better in the remakes i hope they are realesed atleast by next year cause if they come out this year i will not be able to get them cause of all the other great games coming out. (Halo 2, Fable, Sims 2, World Of Warcraft, Starcraft Goast, Ect.)

Are there actual CG comparisons up or just images of the new CG? What’s the link for either?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Maybe the new character will be Chisato from XC2 who is not heard of until XC2 but was the self-proclaimed rival of, blanking on the name, but she was the previous head of the science club, in XC1 and also makes a sort of guest shot in one of Asuka's endings of XC2.

Hmm, if it's Chisato, she wouldn't be a new character, wouldn't she ^^;? She might be new in a sense of XC1 universe, but not a new character entirely. I think it will be a totally new character because they said outright that Takuya's sister will be in XC2 remake and did not quote her as a new character. Well, it's just my speculation, games are coming out in September so we can wait and see or they will update the site soon.

[This message has been edited by hotsuma (edited 07-14-2004).]

[This message has been edited by hotsuma (edited 07-15-2004).]

It dose look like they are quit far along so guessing around november or december would be pretty good.