Yin Yang!

I just got mine too, will give you a review probally wednesday, I won’t have time to play it until tue night :frowning:

I also got mines today. :slight_smile: I was getting a little worried because today is the last day the post office is opened until after Christmas.

I have been playing for at least 3 hours and haven’t gotten to a choice to make yet. this must be one heck of a long game.

Got mine on the 23rd, and yeah this game has a long introductory sequence. The game is relatively easy once you figure out the Critical Choice Branching questions.(Basically questions which set you on a particular girl, or guys path)

Man!!! I had played the game yesterday for like six hours, i never ran into a choice until today, then i started running into to choices

It sounds like a good game, right now, i am eargerly sitting near the door and waiting for my copy.
Would any of you please be so kind to write your review for the game?
Cheers in advance!

thus far I have gotten 4 endings, and there seems to be not as many choices, for the most part some of the choices seem a bit more obvious, but first thing first, don’t start playing and expect a choice right off the bat like XC3, you end up playing for about 3-4 hours (depending how fast you read), before you reach your first plot branch. as soon as I get more of the game played I will write a more through review, that is if my reviews make a bit of sence anyway. :slight_smile:

does anyone know exactly how many endings that their are?

There are apparently 12 endings. Unfortunately the last 3 I got, were in my opinion the worst. I didn’t care for the whole student government path.

There were a lot of grammar mistakes again as well. I think the one I enjoyed the most was, “I spread my eyes for easier access.” I just couldn’t help laughing at that one.

All told, I enjoyed the game. Fairly easy to get all endings and pics, nothing really offensive or gross either, apart from, as I mentioned, the student government path. Just wish a there were a few more paths and options.

are you including the good and bad endings to each character, if that is so then I don’t have verry more endings to go, because the student government path has 3 alone. so far total I have gotten 7, so your saying that their should be at least 6 more.

There aren’t really good and bad endings to each character. That is one of the things I was talking about when I was wishing for more paths and options. There are endings for each of the characters, frequently 2 endings, and yes one of them does bring the credits, but they aren’t necesarily good and bad ones. It really depends on your pov.

And btw, there are 12 total, so if you have gotten 7 endings, then there are 5 left, not 6.

thought I read that you said 13 first… I must be loosing it.

You called?.. :roll:

yay, I got 100% Memory and CG, if anyone needs a walkthrough for this, they need to play it longer than they played it, everything is really straight forward, kind of. I got this Saturday and compleated today (literally). Kind of wish there were a few more paths, along the student government path :slight_smile:

add/ and I kind of change what I said earlier, there really are not any good or bad endings, just endings. seems to be about right, I remember 12 endings. seems a few choices don’t actually affect the endings, but you get a little more CG out if it. well I will try to give a more through opinion later on this. Firmly I do not believe you need a walkthrough, if you use a walkthrough on this game it will ruin it for you so I will not be making a walkthrough for this game.

but as allways, I will be happy to give verry cryptic hints, and when I say cryptic, you have to have played the game at leat 3 times through before you would understand them :slight_smile:

[ 12-27-2006, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

Did everybody received their pre-ordered “Yin-Yang!” Game that is now in stock? I already tried contacting them but no response.

Havent received mine either, but i live in Europe, so i guess it takes some times for it to get here…
But eargerly waiting for it…

Is that what you’ve been doing lately?.. :confused:

Fails to resist urge. Buys game. Waits in hopeful anticipation.

Spooky, replying to you right now. Can you tell us what email address you used to contact us?

I didn’t get my copy yet either. I did get the e-mail saying that my credit card was billed and that it would ship within 1-2 days, but I didn’t get the e-mail saying it was shipped.

I tried e-mailing Peach Princess and I got no response. Could you check on my order too, Peter? The order number is #12518. My e-mail address is andrewperry@rogers.com