Yume Miru Kusuri

Okay, I’m gonna call you out on that one. =P I’ll concede that it’s the best officially licensed English-translated eroge, will that do?

I agree if you pay me 3 eroge on paletweb. :lol:

Lol. I guess (hope ?) there are better untranslated eroge than YMK.

I’ll have to call you both out. Kana and Crescendo both blew it away. YMK was good, probably in the top 4 I’ve ever played (I really liked Heart de Roommate for its lightheartedness and fun story) but it couldn’t compare with the powerful nostalgic atmosphere of Crescendo or the heartrending tale of Kana. (though, saddly, I thought the Sister story in Crescendo was poorly done and Kana was perhaps too heartrending … I can see droves of japanese boys jumping in front of trains over that one)

If you liked Kana and Crescendo, get this game and get it ASAP.

As for the part with plot threads and unresolved issues, I don’t know who told you that but I never once came upon anything resembling that. The closest thing you’ll come to those are that there isn’t a scenario for the younger sister Aya, and that’s not a very big thing. The story for this game seemed complete enough to me, and I’m a guy who plays games for the story. Trust me, get this game, you will not regret it.

I’m about half-way through (estimated of course) and this game definitely has a lot of good story to it, and i have to recommend it for sure. Though some of the darker bits really aren’t my thing… mind you, i’m doing it without any guides or anything, so they may just be a result of my choices.

Yume Miru Kusuri is in my top 50 list, by the way. I haven’t actually written out a top 50 list but I know it’s in there. And that’s not a bad achievement for an eroge. Kana Imouto (and by extension Kana Okaeri) is great, but I honestly found a lot of things more emotionally powerful (December when there is no angel, kusari hime etc.). Kana Okaeri made a lot of the character art etc. WORSE imho, and also added animation crap to the H scenes (which I really dislike… I think it looks disgusting. The new elf game Biniku no Kaori -netorinetorareyariyarare- does the same thing, although with a much higher level of quality, and I still think it looks disgusting =p).

Crescendo was neat, but way too short. The voiced remake is apparently, like, twice as long, but I didn’t find Crescendo quite awesome enough to want to seek it out. That’s the curse with remakes if I didn’t like the original enough.

Not to go off on a total tangent, but it would be a shame to pass over Biniku no Kaori simply for the inclusion of animated scenes. It’s a really good game.


Dan Kim really likes Aeka : http://www.jastusa.com/webcomic/index.php?page=17&lang=
(now that Hitomi is uninstalled)

That’s quite funny. Can’t wait to see part 2.

I liked Aeka too. Damn shame you couldn’t win her.

One and only one word come to me when i think of this character : Annoying!!!

But sexy! :twisted:

[size=1]And psychotic… but hey, I can work with that.[/size]

Not even Sexy, a little cute at least but the envy of make her shut up is overwhelming for me… I don’t stand bully but i don’t stand bullied either.
So i didn’t liked her and her path… it was hell for me to finish it (even if it was pretty easy to get… well, this game was pretty easy)

[size=1]And this not psycho just just a total warped Maso ^^; [/size]

anyway i was totally drawn in the Mizuki path, i played 8 hours non stop on this path… I liked the fragile, scared of the future, wild and self-drestructing who try to appear strong character… I found it awesome.

And Nekoko was emotionally strong for me because of my past (i knew and loved a woman like her… without the fairy fantasy but with the drug and the same type of personnaly (and body …Well she had a little more breast :stuck_out_tongue: ) )

I didn’t pass over it. To be honest, it wasn’t really my thing, but I still played it (relatively) thoroughly. I can at least see where it got its high erogamescape rating from.

EDIT: Also, what the crap is with the seeming attitude of 4chan /jp/ etc. that Aeka’s route is the only route worth playing in YMK? I found all three routes exceptional, and very compelling. Anyone else have any idea where this attitude came from?

They’re always a character who stand out in any eroge and generally she’s the more popular… And the fact that her path is the more obvious and easy (really really easy) and also the more close of High School setting of the game are, i believe, the reason of that.

Now, i hated this path and i found that’s was the less interesting and by far.

That’s a common sentiment on many boards. Aeka offers the most when it comes to angst and raw emotion, so that could be one reason.

Personally, I thought the writing was weakest for Aeka’s route (interesting but sloppily scripted at times because of the challenging subject matter. Quite honestly, I find many game fans to be oblivious of bad prose and easily sucked in by melodrama), so I can’t say I agree with popular opinion. My quality ranking would be as follows: Mizuki > Nekoko > Aeka.

Yes, I really liked the portrayal of self-destruction and a situation spiraling out of control. I suspect some players missed the point of the story (some complain that the path is all pointless sex).

I loved all 3 paths.

I completed Aeka, then Mizuki, then Nekoko, and I think that was a good order to finish them in story-wise. My favourite would be a toss up between Mizuki and Nekoko, they both have aspects that I completely enjoyed. Mizuki would likely win out entirely except for a few very uncomfortable scenes for me. I guess i’m just too far on the light side >.<

That’s really not good argument considering you’re basing this on translation. The game isn’t meant to be written in a traditional prose style and using that as an excuse to bash one route over another is not the way to go. And really I found just as much problem with Mizuki’s path as you might find with Aeka’s path, especially as it develops. It starts out reasonable enough, but compared to the way the others go, it far less realistic.

I liked Aeka and Mizuki equally. Bitch Choking in both! Whoo-Hoo!

Nekoko was kinda “meh” for me. Interesting, but I was looking for more choking. The anal is good though.

Huh? What… they’re talking about story? :stuck_out_tongue:


Narg points out the bits i had the most trouble with as +s

In that case, Nekoko was my fav :stuck_out_tongue: