Yume Miru Kusuri

Nah, it’s because…

You get to choke out that bitch “Antionette”, for some serious revenge. How gratifying is that?

That and her good ending is quite touching (as are the others).

See, that was one of my favourite points with this game. There is no Aya route sure, but they tease you with it and use Aya to poke fun at the whole “loli” fanbase as a nod to them.

I agree. What we see concerning Aya is more than enough.
I don’t say taht a path for Aya would have ruined the game, but we already have a loli (Nekoko) and the Aya’s story was nicely concluded.
In a way it’s kind of original to see that there is a girl, you can’t go for, with its own plot.

It was dropped more to do with budget or time constraints than something like that though.

Just a reminder that we don’t know this for sure - for all anyone knows the game is complete and was finished as intended. It’s completely possible that an Aya route was never planned to begin with; all we have is incomplete circumstantial evidence that might suggest otherwise.

I’m pretty interested in this game, but I’d like to know a little bit about how you determine your outcome. Is it straightforward where you literally choose a character from a selection screen, or is it more subtle in that it’s determined by the actions you make in various decision points?

Also, does Nekoko have an H-scene when she’s playing a video game with Kohei? I saw some of the uncensored CGs, but I heard over on another forum that she was clothed the whole time in the game… It might have been false or I may have misread. :?:

It definitely isn’t a game-system like in “Slave Pageant” or “Idols Galore”, if that’s what you are asking here. So far, I have only encountered text choices - and I already got as a reply to one of my questions that even deciding once in one character’s favour doesn’t already trigger that character’s path.

Damn, I really should try to get my act together and resume playing this game (still stuck in my first playthrough and no where near an ending - actually, I just encountered Nekoko for the first time)! Thus, this is just hearsay from this board, but Narg praised once a certain kind of h-scene with her that rather would have been unusual - perhaps to the point that it might even be desirable - if it would have been done fully clothed! :wink:

The paths/endings are determined by your choices at some of the decision points, usually from a selection of two options. It’s not a particularly difficult game though.

There is an H-scene with Nekoko there, and she is clothed in it. However as you mentioned, the scene is uncensored as her clothing is lifted up, and a certain part of Kouhei isn’t clothed either :P.

While it’s certainly possible, i do not believe common sense would lead to that as the best educated guess given the circumstantial evidence.

Well, they tried right through the end. Antionette is just such a diabolic evil, that she comes back.

I was surprised there wasn’t an Aya path. I presumed she was a “tease” character. Given that Nekoko is pure loli physically and that Aeka is borderline loli (classic loli with small breasts), an Aya path would have been pointless— plus she’s really just comedy relief. You can see it through the entire thing.

I was actually sad that there wasn’t a path for Hirofuma. Seriously. Normally I’m not into the BxB stories, but that’s one path I’d have played down to the end. Hirofuma is now my all-time favorite game character. I might have to use him as my avatar here.

I will say this— this game must be the darkest game I’ve ever played from Peach Princess/J-List/JAST/G-Collections. I’m not surprised it has so much comedy interjected into it. If it didn’t, the game cds and game code would collapse into a micro-black hole and disappear under the weight of its own angsts, insanity, and general emo.

I think it is a very vile thing Peach Princess is doing, making this game available in English and selling it (JOKE!). It’s bound to be a gateway game for players into darkside gaming. (Not joke.)

So, I finally finished.

And then had to go back and edit a review I’d pasted somewhere else, as several of the things I said the game was totally free of happened by the end of Aeka’s path (which I did last).

If I had done Aeka first, I might have felt more attached to her. Instead, I intentionally put her last (because I’d heard people say they had trouble getting into the other paths if they did Aeka first). I ended up feeling very ambivalent. I like Aeka and obviously didn’t want horrible things to happen to her, but I don’t like the relationship the two of them embarked on, I think it was screwed up in a lot of ways, and I’m uncomfortable with the big climax scene… it left me feeling angry at everybody, including the PC.

Mizuki - the hotel scene was jarring, especially because so much happened that seemed so unlikely and there were so few consequences for it, also the Bad End felt very unfair. Overall, her path slowly turned me from being deeply frustrated with her to being quite fond of her… although I’m still very glad Kouhei is dating her and not me. Better you than me, kid!

I think in the end I have to pick Nekoko as best, and this was the path I took first. I’d meant to do Mizuki first but got swung onto Nekoko instead because… well, she needed me! (And along with happiest path in general, she’s also got the best Bad End.) And this path did the biggest emotional roller-coaster for me because when certain events started, I really thought it was all heading for a bad ending, and then… relief! So, even though she’s too loli for my ecchi tastes, she’s the best girl for me. :slight_smile:

I did Aeka, Mizuki, then Cait Sith Nekoko (in that order).

I still felt Aeka’s route was the weakest. My fav route was probably Nekoko’s, anyway.

You my friend have won your “good taste” label of quality :smiley:

I perfectly understand what you feel and there is only one game that made me feel like that : Ever17 out of infinity.
You won’t feel the same emotions, but the thrill is still the same.

PS : I have the ost one my phone too :wink:
But my ringtone is (and will always be) the ringtone frome Chakushin Ari (one missed call).

Mizuki’s path gets very mixed reactions from people.

For me it worked well because I have experience with some, as I’d say, difficult girls. Contrary and irritating and bratty and making you just want to reach in and shake them to get them to see sense, but so soft and vulnerable the few times you can get through their shell that your heart just melts. Until they drive you batty again. It’s sort of like the emotional-abuse equivalent of tsundere…

Also, she’s hot.

If I were crazy enough to get into a relationship with a girl like her and last through the initial stages, she’d eventually have me wrapped around her little finger. I love her more than I like her, if that makes sense.

I’m sucker for the “damaged goods” and “brooding defensive” types, and it has gotten me in trouble many times over. But what can you do? I guess I like a challenge :slight_smile:

i really don’t like Mizuki’s path(it just goes in too many directions and seems like it drags on) and
i wish they would have a 4th path with Aya

I wish there could be a path for Antoinette.
not to rape or kill her, but to make her realize what kind of bitch she is. then, when her personality will be broken, you will be there to confort her and build her a new personality.
After that you will break her again and make her your slave.

For being a professed light sider le nuage, that is very dark of you.

My dark side awakens when I think about toinette.

Actually, I had expected a path with Antoinette, she is obviously damaged goods and could use a real friend, rather than a follower or a jackass for a boyfriend. When I first heard rumor of a “hidden character”, I had thought it was her, but it was not to be. Too bad, I think she had potential.