Yume Miru Kusuri

I have mixed feelings regarding her. Part of me sides with le nuage, part of me sides with you Jack of Tears. Much like how what “paper doll” is used to represent her effects my opinion of how she looks. (The flirtatious looking one makes her look very attractive, the “just standing there looking at you” one is quite unflattering, and the extremely angry looking one doesn’t even need mentioning.) In the end though, its probably best that she is unattainable, as from what I can see, the story would need a serious amount of rewriting to make it work.

I doubt that such a storyline would actually work: Antoinette is at the top of the social hierachy of the class - how would you try to talk an accepted queen out of her position?

Or perhaps even more importantly: how would you expect the player’s character to stand up against her and convince her to leave a powerful and thus advantageous position? And all that at the risk that she gets pissed and as a result sends her dog of a boyfriend to beat some sense into him!
After all, as far as I understood the recurring train-illusion was a sign of his degree of social conformity - and it disapperead when one of the three girls drew him out of that confirmity. He never would have made such a step on his own!

If you ask me the only scenario for Antoinette that I would have accepted is one where Kouhei and Aeka deal her a series of Black Cyc level punishments :twisted:

Ugh… you people and your ideas of redemption… bah! :twisted:

If there was an Antoinette scenario, I would have expected it to portray your fall into the social depravity that she enjoyed. Your transformation into a bully like her. Then as you become darker and less immoral, assert your control over her. First subtly and then brutally. Drugging her might be involved. Since people are sheep, the path could show how you slowly turn Antoinette’s friends against her and make them follow you: thus your rise as the Alpha of the Pack. Throw in a little criminal activity (selling drugs perhaps), making connections with the Yakuza or street gangs, your family disownment…

There ya go. The “asshole ending” with a compliant broken Antoinette at your side, and a glorious future as a criminal thug. Narg approves. 8)

No matter how dark you try to be, Narg will always be darker than you. :lol:

I feel ashamed by my naive sight of what could be a dark path for Antoinette…
When I tought that simply raping toinette would be dark, Narg came and showed us the right way to do it : become toinette’s ally and rape the other girls.
Who would not want to rape Aeka just to make her feel so bad that she would then commit suicide… and then you can rape her dead body.

I think I will stay on the Light Side. :lol:

Hey, my idea entailed leading to enslavement, not redemption. Besides, considering that Antoinette seems pretty loaded in terms of cash, there would be benefits to that, and there’s always room for your idea in the process. I just wanted Aeka thrown in as your partner because her personality would make her a good one for you. And besides, quite a few dark siders have their partners or loyal minions: most Sith have apprentices (though the said apprentices usually betray their masters so bad example) and MDB’s Dark Shizuru in Vampire Road has his harem. I’m sure Narg can think of more examples.

On a similar note, if only crossovers between eroge could happen, there’s one in particular I’d have liked to see:


Kouhei: Aeka, where did you get that wierd looking doll?

Those who’ve played the game I’m hinting at Gore Screaming Show I’m sure would like to see the end result of that, at least see what would happen to Antoinette and her friends :twisted:

Redemption? Enslavement? Bah, I just want the pussy, that’s all.

I don’t usually actually get turned on by these games but when Kouhei screws Nekoko well playing a game and his mom walks in! That scene is hot. Mizuki is still my favorite though.

You know what is irony? Yume Miru Kusiri’s score (http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=6298) on Erogamescape is higher than every games of Navel (http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/brand.php?brand=1058) yet Navel’s games still sell better. Ugh,

That’s not irony its the market working its ways are surrounded by mystery too much for us mere mortals to understand .

Now that’s a man with a simple\clean mind set and a goal nice response hell its just perfect for a line in a movie: world domination ? revenge ? redemption ? Bah, I just want pussy, that’s all. .

Navel is my favourite example of a truly overrated eroge company. They play the market far too well. Their upcoming Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai actually looks pretty good, too, but it’s a definite ‘wait and see’ for me.

Yume Miru Kusuri… wasn’t incredibly popular at the time of release, probably because a lot of very high profile works by other companies were released in the same month. I mean, Romeo Tanaka fans, of which there are quite a number, would obviously have chased it down (hell, that’s why I played it), and PP localised it, which was a very nice move, but otherwise it just wasn’t that well known. Unfortunately, pretty much all Romeo Tanaka titles have ended up like this, even Cross Channel and Kazoku Keikaku (#24 and #22 in their release years, respectively, according to Getchu).

Next Tanaka’s game won’t be in such state. I mean, look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rewrite_(visual_novel)

I dunno if it’ll really be a Tanaka game, though… the influence of two other scenario writers will have a noticable effect, I’m sure. What it will definitely be is extremely interesting, whatever it is.

Itaru Hinoue is the planning and conceptual lead behind Rewrite, regardless of who they’ve contracted to contribute text. As for Tanaka, I think he’s focusing more on light novels than games, which is supposedly an industry trend (brain drain, due to companies trying to cut costs, along with successful writers making more money outside games).

Random thought: Does anyone think that Nekoko’s path feels a bit like a (light) sex-romp?

I do :stuck_out_tongue:

Only until the truth about her is revealed - which actually still might be only a half-truth if I take both of her endings as equally possible into account!

Depends on your definition of sex romp. I only consider a story to be a sex romp if it wouldn’t be worthwhile without the sex - which isn’t the case in any of YMK’s routes.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, there’s plenty of decent stories that would be pretty pointless without the sex, including my favourite Leaf game. Okay, scratch that =p

You can also say that for Mizuki even if I don’t really agree with you.

Regardless that, I couldn’t stand it anymore… I’m replaying this game… again.
Here I go Nekoko-chan !

YMK is an endless cycle of replay after replays… meh… goes back to Neko route

YMK’s fairly short, which makes that doable, but I’ve never gotten the impulse to play it again! Must be the constant silhouette of my backlog, looming behind me, keeping me in check.

i let a friend borrow my copy and never got it back